Bato's Forum Signature Shop

Looks awesome! I'll definitely use it for now. I'm currently making a dream villager list, so I will come back to update! Thx very much! Too bad I'm using my iPad to type right now!
Can I order a background? I'd like the #6 layout, with this background. Can you have the box with the villagers in it be much lighter? That way you can see them amongst the black.

I'm ok with the Animal Crossing font and wood border. My town is Marsdern, my FC is 1907-8123-8070 and my Mayoral name is Lecalli. My villagers are Roald, Monty, Soleil, Bubbles, Benjamin, Axel, Julain, Paula, Merengue and Croque.

Please and thank you?
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Umm, are you sure you want the box lighter? o_O It's pretty hard to see if I do

Here it is, just a tiny bit lighter:

And here it is at normal:

Which one is preferred? Changes? Stuff? Just tell me
Still can't make my mind up on dream villagers!
Could you take zell off the dreamies list and add merengue!!
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I know it would take time to do, it's just that you seem to have every excuse not to. So thanks but no thanks.
Hey. Try to be more respectful to someone who has attempted to fit in your request despite having difficulty creating it. At least they're being fair and trying to be a good salesperson. Bato is obviously flooded with commissions for his lovely signatures, as-well as having stuff to do in his personal life, so maybe you should try to be to and have the patience to wait for him to get round to creating your request.
Still can't make my mind up on dream villagers!
Could you take zell off the dreamies list and add merengue!!

Here you go lol
And it's ok xD


And thanks Rover AC. I actually spent about an hour thinking over his request and how I would do it, all while doing some other stuff that I needed to do x.x And then I ended up not doing it
Me again!!!!!
I did VM you but I will also post here in the proper place- sorry
My changes:
Wolfgang has gone and Mira has come
Mira is my new dreamie- not Phoebe anymore!

Thanks again
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Alright, there you go

Nobody was posting in the thread, so that just discouraged me from doing anything to your sig, sorry
Don't worry about it!!
Yeah when I first Vm you it was because the last post was a long time ago and I thought you had closed the thread so wouldn't look here anymore- Sorry
I'll post here next time
Yeah, I look at this thread everyday even though nobody posts on it x.x

It's kinda discouraging me now that everyone is either PMing me requests or just making request topics

I'm starting to think I should just let this topic die, and only take requests if they get posted in this topic. Until the topic gets completely forgotten
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Hey, i'd like to have a siggy plz,if that's ok with you. :)
I WANT: Layout number three, left box labeled Dreamies (with the animal crossing font;wood around plz), Right box labeled Current Villagers(with the animal crossing font;wood around).
on my left box(Dreamies)i want the following villager sprites: Zucker and then Marshal and Stitches
on my right box(Current Villagers) i want the following sprites: Rudy Hamphrey Bam Whitney Peewee Pietro Marina.
in the middle box i want: My name: Sebas, and town name Racoon(both with the animal crossing font;wood around)the backround wanted[/url][term]=abstract%20background&filters[primary]=images&filters[featured_media]=1&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=23 exactly as it is. how does 200k in game bells sound? thanks :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

just highlight the link, and put Open in new tab it should work
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Umm, what about this? I didn't like how it turned out at first, so I messed with it... A lot x.x


Umm, what do you think about this? Changes would be helpful x.x I can take away all the added stuff if you want, too lol
O.O YOU FORGOT BAM'S sprite on the current villagers, but other than that it looks AMAZING. :lemon: could you add bams pic and then ill pay ya?
O.O YOU FORGOT BAM'S sprite on the current villagers, but other than that it looks AMAZING. :lemon: could you add bams pic and then ill pay ya?

Oh, sorry x.x Didn't notice his name, it's so small xD

Did you see the 2nd one posted with bigger words? Just want to make sure if you liked the smaller one or not
Can I please have my sprites changed? Turns out my dreamies changed, so I swapped a few villagers around. No more Erik, and instead of him, could I please have Lolly? Thank you SO much! Will pay you whatever amount.
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Can I please have my sprites changed? Turns out my dreamies changed, so I swapped a few villagers around. No more Erik, and instead of him, could I please have Lolly? Thank you SO much! Will pay you whatever amount.


There you go, Erik was swapped for Lolly

And 10 bells would be fine lol