Bato's Forum Signature Shop

Can I have the 50 bell signature?
Name: Anabiel
Town: Ellinia
FC: 2621-3361-7304
I want this background
The border to be R: 127 G:153 B:141 And text is white!
The font for my information can be Century Gothic (only the information, not the "Town:" stuff)
And I want Poppy to be the villager on the side!
Thank you in advance!
Well you did say you wanted it specific ;) Oh I didn't realise so many people had used that background. How about this one? :)

Well, I can't figure out how to put this together x.x


How is it? Your input would be nice xD I couldn't really find anywhere to stick everything o_O
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Well, I can't figure out how to put this together x.x


How is it? Your input would be nice xD I couldn't really find anywhere to stick everything o_O

I actually really really love it, thank you so much! I think it's perfect :3 How much do I owe you? ^_^

Ok sorry Annabiel x.x Had to finish some stuff up before I could start this

Is this what you were aiming for? I can change anything if you want lol. If you don't like the font color, I can add it in. If you want wood behind the century gothic, I can do that lol

Ok sorry Annabiel x.x Had to finish some stuff up before I could start this

Is this what you were aiming for? I can change anything if you want lol. If you don't like the font color, I can add it in. If you want wood behind the century gothic, I can do that lol
Yea, I think it would look better with wood behind it!
Yea, I think it would look better with wood behind it!


Alright, what do you think lol? I can change whatever still, I don't mind. I'm kinda taking my time with this anyway x.x This kinda of request usually takes less than 10 mins, but I've been doing other things x.x Just ate dinner

Sorry D:
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No, don't be! It's perfect! I'll change and update my signature tomorrow when I have access to my sister's laptop!
Hello again! I'd like to make a new sig, my signature right now is colossal, and I want to turn it into 1 picture, soooo info here:

Actually, I'd like to run questions through first - I would like the 50 bell siggy, but is it possible for you to put sprites? (I'll save time typing this by telling you my villagers after you say yes to any of my ideas)

If No to that, then try to do this: I'd like to have the number 3 layout with this background:

Note: I will only take the first one if it's possible. Thx, I'll be sure to leave a tip for the first signature!

EDIT: This is only a tentative request. I might get a new one from someone else.
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-Tell me how you want the layout to be (or pick from the examples and tell what you want different) square, bordered signature with animal crossing text
-Send link of background that you want.
You can find some good ones here:
I can change it up however you want. Make it brighter, darker, look like it's glowing, give it shadows, anything: Make the text sparkle please
-Give any information you want on the image. Name: Riley, Town: Port, FC: 4441-8711-1884
-Tell me what font (letter styles) you'd like. I'll use the animal crossing font as default, but I need to know whether or not you'd want the wooden borders around words. If you don't like the animal crossing font, tell me which one to use. I want the regular animal crossing font
-If you want villagers on it, tell me which ones. If you want, I can even make them glow, have shadows, colored outlines, anything you can probably think of. Just tell me N/A
-Tell me if there's anything else you'd want (your character, favorite villager, items, etc.) Can you put gulliver on the side please (An image of him)?
-Try to be specific as possible. If you don't, it'll be left up to my imagine to guess what you want: The background with the animal crossing text on it in rows, and Gulliver on the side. The text sparkling too if possible please.
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-Tell me how you want the layout to be (or pick from the examples and tell what you want different) square, bordered signature with animal crossing text
-Send link of background that you want.
You can find some good ones here:
I can change it up however you want. Make it brighter, darker, look like it's glowing, give it shadows, anything: Make the text sparkle please
-Give any information you want on the image. Name: Riley, Town: Port, FC: 4441-8711-1884
-Tell me what font (letter styles) you'd like. I'll use the animal crossing font as default, but I need to know whether or not you'd want the wooden borders around words. If you don't like the animal crossing font, tell me which one to use. I want the regular animal crossing font
-If you want villagers on it, tell me which ones. If you want, I can even make them glow, have shadows, colored outlines, anything you can probably think of. Just tell me N/A
-Tell me if there's anything else you'd want (your character, favorite villager, items, etc.) Can you put gulliver on the side please (An image of him)?
-Try to be specific as possible. If you don't, it'll be left up to my imagine to guess what you want: The background with the animal crossing text on it in rows, and Gulliver on the side. The text sparkling too if possible please.

Umm, is this what you were going for? o_O


Yeah, I couldn't find a way to make it sparkle better than that x.x Sorry... That's actually what I spent most of the time on lol


And BlueLeaf, I have no idea if you want me to start that or not o_O

I could put sprites on it, but that would be a little more effort, and I don't think I will be able to fit a large villager (or something) onto the same image
That's exactly what I want, thanks! I'll gift you 125 bells.

EDIT: Done
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Oh, you can start it! To answer your question, I don't want the big villager. If it's not to much trouble, I'll throw in 75 Bells

Villagers: Lobo, Sheldon, Savannah, Doc, Yuka, Pancetti, Tangy, Tex, Francine, and Marshal
Border: Cyan
Grass Color: Green / Original
Other: Info to add in my profile!

EDIT: Oh yeah, AC font with wooden border!
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Oh, you can start it! To answer your question, I don't want the big villager. If it's not to much trouble, I'll throw in 75 Bells

Villagers: Lobo, Sheldon, Savannah, Doc, Yuka, Pancetti, Tangy, Tex, Francine, and Marshal
Border: Cyan
Grass Color: Green / Original
Other: Info to add in my profile!

Alright then, I'll see how long this will take lol

I should be done in about 15 mins or less


And you're welcome ACE xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ahh, I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind for the color x.x If you want to change it, just pick a color and give me the RGB, I'll be able to fix it easily:


I also had trouble with how to position the villagers x.x The layout wasn't designed for putting sprites on it x.x If you have any suggestions for it, feel free to tell me. I'll fix up anything lol, I want to make it as close to what you want as possible

And 21 minutes <_< Lol, well, I spent 3 minutes saving and uploading everything, so those didn't count :O It can also be a pain looking for each of those sprites since I don't know what they look like xD
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The position is fine! Don't worry about it, I'll probably come to update or so about twice a month so it's no problem! The color should be a little darker, I'll find one now - 027EEB

I'm sending my 75 bells after I'm typing this post!

EDIT: 21 Minutes?! Wow. Well, did you know I have a signature from someone else with villager sprites?
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Lol, alright, I think this color looks much better

And seriously, if you want me to change the position/size of the sprites, I'll happily do it lol. It's like seriously easy to resize and move those things around, it's really just click and drag lol. So if you want them to move/change size, just say it