Bato's Forum Signature Shop

Mayor Amy, Town of Roade (mis-spelling:p)
I really like layout 11, however instead of tom nook could I have digby
Could the background be the colourful one on 12?
My villagers are Hamlet, wolfgang, hamphrey, annabelle, Portia, Kitt, Shep, Cherry and Annicotti
My dream villagers are: Hamphrey, Pango, Sly, Erik, Phoebe, kyle, goldie, blanche and zell!

Alright, I've been out all day x.x I'm starting on this one now, I'll look at MooMoo's in a bit
Mayor Amy, Town of Roade (mis-spelling:p)
I really like layout 11, however instead of tom nook could I have digby
Could the background be the colourful one on 12?
My villagers are Hamlet, wolfgang, hamphrey, annabelle, Portia, Kitt, Shep, Cherry and Annicotti
My dream villagers are: Hamphrey, Pango, Sly, Erik, Phoebe, kyle, goldie, blanche and zell!


Alright, what do you think? I didn't want to completely copy someone's background, so I messed with it a bit x.x

Let me know if you want me to change anything, I can brighten stuff, change the colors, move stuff around, everything. Just think it up and I'll do it

Edit: Man, I'm looking at MooMoo's request x.x I wish that everyone would pick out their own backgrounds x.x I'm ok with taking the layouts from other people's signatures, but using someone else's background feels like it's taking it too far x.x

Maybe I should take out other people's signatures from the first page? I feel like everyone is becoming less unique the more I put there... Signatures are supposed to be unique to each person, not copied from eachother x.x

Someone has even wanted my signature background :/
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NVM, ignore this part of the post.
I think people should ask for different backgrounds as well. If everyone is going to ask the same person for a banner, they should at least not copy others. I like the unique styles. Just my opinion though.
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Yeah, I really don't want to make signatures that look like someone else's :/ They're supposed to be unique

I was enjoying making a separate style for everyone. But now, all the newer requests are like "Hey, could you take the layout _____'s signature, then take the background from the other guy's signature, then use someone else's characters"

It's just like... I don't like having to ripoff anyone's signature and cause their signature to not be unique anymore
I didn't realize those were other people's signatures. I thought they were just examples of what you had to work with. I'll look around for another background.
what about this picture for the background? Would it be possible for you to add Digby to it, sort of dancing with us? (I'm the one in the bear hat)
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Umm yeah... All of them are examples of thing's I've already made for people

Lol add Digby into it? xD The only pictures of him are just really creepy xD He'd just look like a stalker lol. Or maybe that's just how I see Digby lol

Hmm, and the 3DS doesn't really make high-quality pictures... And you aren't really centered with KK lol. I dunno, maybe I can make it look good if I mess around with it?
Clearly you're not interested in making a signature for me so nevermind.

Ah, I am, it's just that it's a pretty complicated request for a background that would take extensive work. I guess I'd be willing to do it if I have nothing else to do, but I'm kinda busy with stuff IRL right now x.x

If you really want it that way, I don't mind doing it. It's just that you'd have to give me a 2-3 day time period to do it. That, or ask for a simpler background x.x
I know it would take time to do, it's just that you seem to have every excuse not to. So thanks but no thanks.
Can I have a 50-bell signature (the first one)

Name: Bethany
Town: Eldin
Grass: Green
Border: Yellow (like the example)
Villager: Kid Cat
Friend Code: Look to the side
Can I have a 50-bell signature (the first one)

Name: Bethany
Town: Eldin
Grass: Green
Border: Yellow (like the example)
Villager: Kid Cat
Friend Code: Look to the side

Alright, just came back from cutting the grass x.x

Saw your request and made it in about 5-6 minutes


What do you think? You want anything changed about it?
Could you update my siggie?
I need Annicotti taken of my list and tucker and Sly put on the in my villagers list
And in my dreamies take blanche off and put eloise in!
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Could I please have a layout similar to that of example 12, with this background:

With Maple in the middle:

And Stitches on the left:

With these villagers sprites (they are current villagers, and aren't going anywhere because they're all my dreamies):
You can make them glow or add shadows, whatever makes them more obvious. Is there any chance I could get their names underneath their sprites, please?

I'd like the Animal Crossing font with the wooden outline :)

Mayor: Kerry
Town: Albion
FC: 4914-2865-6384

I'd like my information in the middle over Maple, but to be transparent so that you can still see her, like in layout 12.

Please and thank you! :D
Could I please have a layout similar to that of example 12, with this background:

With Maple in the middle:

And Stitches on the left:

With these villagers sprites (they are current villagers, and aren't going anywhere because they're all my dreamies):
You can make them glow or add shadows, whatever makes them more obvious. Is there any chance I could get their names underneath their sprites, please?

I'd like the Animal Crossing font with the wooden outline :)

Mayor: Kerry
Town: Albion
FC: 4914-2865-6384

I'd like my information in the middle over Maple, but to be transparent so that you can still see her, like in layout 12.

Please and thank you! :D

Alright, good request xD

I'll get started on this lol

Edit: Man, everyone wants that background o_O You'll be like the 4th person with that background. Are you sure you want that?
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Here's your updated signature StarryACNL

And see Kerry? Even this one already has the background you requested x.x Sorry D: