Podcast is amazing! Thanks so much for updating 
Ouch sold out but w/e and I don't have to worry surfing the net while the teacher is discussing![]()
The new profile layout does not much bother me, though I prefer the old one, as well. I suppose it being an alternate layout option would be problematic, especially with future updates to the forum, so I am absolutely fine with the new one.I'm happy everyone is enjoying the new collectibles and the podcast! Please feel free to leave your feedback too so we can improve. We won't take anything to heart![]()
Lol.Why didn't anyone tell me there was god dang restock today!?!
The previous restock also occurred on the eighth, and was in conjunction with the addition of a new monthly birthstone. This is a 'historical' clue, if I may. As for a more direct clue, administrators have been commenting on an imminent restock in replies in the Bell Tree HQ, so one way to get an idea is to periodically scan topics in that forum. Then of course there was the banner countdown announcement about thirty minutes before the restock took place. That announcement did not mention a restock specifically, but the older members understand a Bell Tree Direct to mean an imminent restock.i've been here for a while now and i feel i should start participating in the the tragic game that is collectibles, are restocks completely random or is there some sort of notification telling us when it will happen (i know there was a countdown but that's the first time i've seen that i feel)? also congrats whoever got the cute summer goodies![]()
Congratulations. I am glad your goal was reached despite the setbacks.Wow I got all the collectables I wanted even with slow internet and withdrawing bells
Sorry that happened to you. I was fortunate to learn only shortly before restock that even if added to cart the collectible is not yours until after checkout, so I went into restock thinking to grab the rare item I wanted and running as fast as possible.Um, when I went to check out all of my items in my cart were gone.
What gives?
Just wondering, but will you ever have other members be on the podcast as well?
We're definitely going to explore the idea of having some guests on the show.
We're definitely going to explore the idea of having some guests on the show.
Jesus is the best guest please make it happen
No, I keep my voice hidden soz
We're definitely going to explore the idea of having some guests on the show.
I can dream.
The podcast:
It's hard to tell who's talking. Can you guys say your names before each and every time you talk. Thanksss.
Seriously though. Can you each be assigned an accent so we know who's who? Thankssss.
It's a great idea anyway, can't wait for the next one.![]()
The podcast:
It's hard to tell who's talking. Can you guys say your names before each and every time you talk. Thanksss.
Seriously though. Can you each be assigned an accent so we know who's who? Thankssss.
It's a great idea anyway, can't wait for the next one.![]()