Best friend or best friends?


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Jul 12, 2019
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I usually have had just a group of best friends but due to the pandemic, that's really changed a lot of things and I really only talk to a few people.

What about you guys? Do you have a single best friend or do you have best friends like as a group?
I've two people I consider my best friends. One I met in 1995 and the other I went to university with. We've hung out as a three before (unplanned, but still fun!) but otherwise they're each my closest friend from entirely separate friendship groups.
There was someone I knew years ago I considered my best friend- We shared the same birthday. Sadly I haven't had that close of a connection with anyone since we drifted apart. I sometimes wonder if we reconnected if things would feel the same?
I have two best friends that aren't from online. One still living in the same states and the other moved away across the world. (great ride i must say)
I have a group of 3 best friends. One of them I've known for almost 10 years now (we met on Halloween which is cool) and the rest I met in middle school. I also have another best friend outside of the group.
I have one best friend of nine years in real life and that’s it. No other best friends or friends. All my other friends are online friends.
I have one best friend I've known for 14 years. Then I have a couple of friends from community choir (who I don't talk to often these days) and a few co-workers who I have good relationships with, but I'm not sure if they consider me a friend. I'm really hoping to meet more people once the pandemic is over.
The pandemic cut my eight-person friend group in half because they either switched to online school or just stopped being in the group. Honestly, I’m 100% okay with it. I was planning on distancing myself from most of them when I go to college anyway. My boyfriend of nearly three years is my bestie.
I had a falling out with my long time best friend a while ago (may patch things up in the future but unsure). I have one other close friend who I guess would be my new best friend? since former best friend isn't currently a friend... Otherwise I mostly have not very close friends or really casual acquaintances. I moved to a new city after I finished university and have had a really difficult time to meet anyone here :/
I would say I have two best friends; the first one is someone who I have known for about 11 years now. They’re pretty much the only one I still talk to and keep in touch with from my high school days. I’d say my other best friend is my second oldest sister. I literally tell her everything. If ever I was in trouble and/or needed anything, she is my go to! I don’t feel like I have as close of a bond with any of my other siblings, so I definitely consider her one of my best friends.
No best friend or best friends. Once you hit a certain age you’ll realize having best friends is pretty much nonexistent. You’ll always outgrow people. Nothing is forever. Unless you got herpes, the gift that keeps on giving!
I have a few friends I consider best friends though one I may just be good friends with her. We knew each other since second grade and participated in piano competitions together, but we don’t talk much any more. Also, when we went to an arcade bar and after when i apologized for my anxiety, and she and my other friend who is now a former friend asked why i was anxious, that really stung since they know or should know i have severe anxiety. been kinda uncomfortable talking to her and letting that go. we did have a decent talk on my bday and a little a bit after hers. I actually don’t talk much to any of them; less and less over time it seems. i am not much of a chatter. my best guy friend takes days sometimes a week to respond (too busy playing his games and anime and plus since we’re just friends, he finds no reason to).
I have a really close bestie I have know for 4 years about to be 5 we talk almost every hour of the day its sad we haven’t been able to see each other because of the pandemic but once it’s all over we are plan on meeting up or having a sleepover I’m not really sure
at the moment, i only have one friend that i’d consider a best friend. we met a little over 3 years ago and we’ve talked almost every day since; my friendship with them is the longest one that i’ve ever had and we’ve never even argued before. i trust them with everything and we even have plans to be roommates once we’re both financially stable c’:

tbh, i’ve never had many best friends; with how anxious social interactions make me, getting close with anyone is a bit difficult so while i do have other friends, with how infrequently we talk, they feel a bit more like acquaintances sometimes ^^
Now that I'm older, I don't really have friends anymore. I was never that social to begin with, but life and responsibilities caused me to drift apart from the friends I once had. I'm content with my husband as my best friend and a few acquaintances at work who I can talk to.

But to answer the question, when I was younger my family moved around so I constantly lost friends and had to make new ones. Sometimes I had just one best friend and a few non-best friends. One time I had two best friends but they didn't know each other. One was from school and the other lived close to me but went to a different school. And once I had a small best friend group of 4 people, including myself.
I have 1 bestfriend that is not my family.
Since covid we dont see eachother much but still chat.

I am close with family and they kind of fill in the friendship gap for me. There is also my husband. We've been together since we were 17. I consider him my bestie as well even though hes my husband.

I've had really bad past experiences with so called "bestfriends" there were 4 of them. They invited me to hang out once and SURPRISE it was an intervention. They told me that having a boyfriend was taking up too much of my time. They sat in a circle and roasted me.
If I could not hang out....they would give me the cold shoulder until I pretty much begged for their forgiveness.
If I liked someone that they didnt like ... that was a no no. I would get shunned for that.

I am well aware now that these were not friends at all and that this type of behavior is not okay.
I wish I was able to recognize that sooner because the damage has been done.

I keep my circle very small. I dont trust many people. It takes me a long time to gain a friend.
I have a couple of best friends and a couple of friends. I think I can count the total number of friends I have on both hands. It's nice this way though.