Best friend or best friends?

i only have one best friend and i'm very very grateful for him. we went some months without really talking and we haven't hung out since march? because of the pandemic and being busy and stuff but we've recently started talking more again. he also recently got a switch & acnh so maybe we can finally hang out in-game pls

aside from that i'm pretty wary of calling/considering people as my friends because i hate nonreciprocity. anytime i've been involved in a group of friends i've usually ended up at the bottom in terms of importance even when i thought i was a lil close to one or two others and it's a terrible feeling esp when there's a falling out and nobody has your back :')

i also had a pretty close friend group (i would say) late last year/early this year with my best friend and a couple others but they ended up getting pretty tiring (i don't wanna say toxic) and we both kinda just cut them out for our mental sake
well it's weird for me, I usually either have "best" friends or no friends at all. I like to have close platonic relationships with my friends and if they don't support that then I have a hard time viewing them as a true friend.

that being said I do have one person that I consider my "bestest" (closest) friend, that's my discord friend who doesn't live too far from me. known him for almost four years now and I honestly can't imagine my life without him. he's just so great and fun to talk to even if he does try to talk down to himself. I'm also quite defensive of him lol.
My #1 best friend is my S/O. I tell him everything and vice versa. I have a couple more friends I would consider best friends that I met in university (within both my program and my faculty). Otherwise, I would consider my other friends as either close friends or acquaintances.

Friends come and go. It gets harder to stay in touch with a lot of folks once I joined "the real adult world." And that's okay (natural, too, I think).
Right now, I only have an online best friend. She and I have known each other for approximately 10 years. I was so close to meeting her this year, but thanks to COVID, it seems that'll have to wait a while longer.

Other than her, I don't really have any best friends. I have irl friends, but those are mostly through my work and I don't talk with them other than when we're at work.

Over the years, I've had a lot of best friends, but unfortunately, we've grown apart through moves and just not staying close. It's sad, but I just look back on the times we had together and that makes me happy.
I consider one person a best friend and the rest just friends. I've known my best friend since preschool.
I currently have two people that I would consider my best friends, one of them is my fiance who I've known for over two years and been living with for the last year. we went through lockdown together which was an Experience because we were either both working 60+ hour weeks or not working at all for two weeks (rotating rosters at work) he probably knows me the best because we spend basically all of our free time together

my other best friend lives in a different city now (I moved two and a half years ago and only make it back to visit every once in a while as it's a 5+ hour drive and we've also been in a pandemic and had a long period of time where regional travel wasn't allowed) and we don't get to talk or see each other nearly as much as we used to or both of us wants so it's difficult sometimes not to feel super distant but whenever we do talk it's literally like no time has happened and we're straight back into catching up. he's going to be my maid of honour in my wedding in a year and a half, which he thinks is absolutely hilarious
I had lots of best friends as a teenager. And then one by one, those relationships changed or faded.
I only have one best friend now, and that is my husband. I'd like a female best friend, but it's hard with my current work schedule and also women can be catty. :/
I just have acquaintances/friends at this point.
I have two people I would call my best friends IRL. I met them in college and we’ve been friends for 9 years now. The three of us lived together for a long time until I had to move countries, and now COVID makes it impossible for us to meet any time soon. I’ve never once felt lonely because of them, and we still chat every day in the same group chat we made when we first met 😂 I have a couple online friends I consider my best friends as well. I don’t meet many people IRL anymore so I’m glad I have my online friends to keep me sane. Two I met through Splatoon and two I met on this forum :)
I've only ever had single best friends. One at a time but they've all come and gone. When I was younger it was usually their family moving away.

More recently my closest best friend in my entire life cut me out of their life, cause they had deeper feelings than just being best friends and I didn't feel the same way. I offered to be friends again once they were able to sort out their feelings but it's been over a year and I haven't heard anything.

It's been pretty lonely without a best friend especially during the pandemic, but I have a few friends I still talk to. I'm not close enough to them to consider them best friends, but I still appreciate them regardless.
I met my 3 best friends my first year of college in 2015 and we are still best friends to this day. We were originally apart of a larger friend group but when that broke apart the four of us remained super close. We even lived together in an apartment our senior year which was one of the best experiences of my life. Its been really hard for me since I graduated college since we all live in separate states. We keep in touch but its not the same, and the pandemic has made me feel even more depressed and isolated from them. Two of them recently moved in the same neighborhood together, and if they stay there I am consider moving to that state too to be closer to them (plus it would be in a great area for my career). The only downside of that is I would be far away from family. It might be worth it though because they really changed my life for the better, since I never had best friends like that before who I felt was really on the same wave length as me. I'm not much of an "acquaintance" person either and I would rather have only a few best friends than a lot of just "friends," if that makes sense.
I actually don't follow the "best friend" label anymore. I've only called one person my best friend because we've been used to calling each other that since grade school, but in hindsight she's just as close to me as my other close friends are, so I prefer saying close friends hehe. That's just me though! All my friends have different purposes and relations with me so no one's really the best among the rest. ❤
I have two best friend they are brothers and I am very happy I met them I don’t know what I would do without them I met them when I was like four years old and we will hangout every once in a while we met because we lived next to each other but it’s fun to know that we are best friends's the funny thing...

Most of the friends that I had when I was a kid are not really people who I see or speak to anymore. Maybe a few of the better friends that I had in high school...but, certainly no "inseparable" childhood friends from when I was like 5 years old or anything. It's not that anything ever "happened" with those people...but, kids mature and turned into adults. They weren't close enough friends of mine that I ever regretted growing apart, or even noticed it happening, really.

Now...on the other hand, I have two older brothers. And when I was a kid, they always had their friends over to hang out. So...after all of these years, I spend more time hanging out with those people. For some reason or another, it just came to be that I now hang out with the same people I knew 15-20 years ago...and now I'm better friends with those people than my brothers are. And as far as the use of the term "best friend"...I just consider those people to be an extension of my family....probably because I've known them so long. I'd honestly just refer to them as my brothers. So...instead of 2 brothers, I have about 8 or 9. Hahaha.
I have three best friends. We met in high school and despite everything, we’ve been best friends ever since, even though we’re all adults now.
That word is always carries some kind of unrequited weight for me. It's like I'll apply it to someone and they don't think the same. Even vice versa, one friend called me her best friend and I was a bit surprised.

I think the most significant best friends I had in my life so far were a childhood friend, a college friend and an ex. But they're all gone. It's just an "oh well" situation.

So, I have close friends but not best friends.
I have one best friend, and i have a close friend to, but i haven't offer to be besties.
My best friend have been with me since I started school, literally the first day at school. She's really nice and really happy that I have her. I always feel like I'm clingy to her. Wlso, we are different.

Every once a year we would have a sleepover. We was planning to have sleepover at my place, but well, y'know. It was cancelled because of the pandemic. And we don't meet each other in person as often as last year. It's just a sad year.

On the others hand, me and my other friend are close too. In the pandemic, we discovered that we have many things that In common. Me and her both like animal crossing! But, she doesn't have a switch. I want to be her best friend but i have a thing that is keeping me away from that.

so i have a ground of friends. Its me, my best friend, my other close friend, and...a not so toxic toxic friend (let's call her girl A. See, girl A also been friends with me for a long time. But, she's kinda... spoiled? She's sometime overreacting. She would scream, throw things, and even shout to her friends because she didn't win something. Someone told the teacher because she done something that broke the school rule

She scream at me, throw things,and even attempted to slap me. But.. sometimes she's nice, like suuuper nice. I don't know what to do. And i don't want to her to be mad because she lefter out

Oh god sorry for the long paragraphs
I don't have a best friend anymore - I think I have a lot of friends that I'm not as close with. I think for many people who get older, their best friend becomes their partner. People tend to pair off into couples (sometimes with kids) and they spend less time with their "best friend". I don't have kids but a lot of my friends do, and they seem really focused on that and don't really go out.