Better notifications??


Time Traveler
Jul 13, 2016
White Lily
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Cherry (Fruit)
Hello everyone.
I have been using Bell Tree
ever since I got it with Safari on my iPhone 4.
Its the only device I have and I have pop ups enabled
when PM'd while on site. Otherwise Offline I get pop up
notifications of vip emails of notifications from bell tree but they
are always delayed like 10-20 mins. Was wondering if theres ever
going to be a app that I can use for notifications offline, and moblie use or if
also is there a setting to enable pop up notifications of VMs on when on site?
Just like how you can enable em them for PMs except for VMs as well.
Lastly, if there are email notification settings for VM? Thanks.
Man, they won't even add a night theme. I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen and that's if something like that can be implemented into vBulletin.
I'm not sure about personal messages, but you can turn on thread notifications for email. I'm not sure how often you use your email, but it can be difficult to do on an iPhone. I use TBT on an iPhone 4S, and I have to refresh the page constantly because that's the only way I can get notifications, since I almost never use my email.

They should add a feauture where they send you text-notifications. That would make my life 1000x easier...
I supose Its easy for me to use email because
I have a app that holds all my email addresses- No matter what the @ it is. And so I made bell trees automailer A VIP so that way I can and have made pop up notifications Along with special tones and vibrations for these email notifcations, Problem is they delay, so say someone sends me a PM, I wont get Email Notified untill like 10-20 mins as passed. Oh and BTW I am not using vBulletin I am using the full site on Safari.

So as far as I know,
You CAN only get pop up notif. for PM when online mobile Full site and enabled.
You CAN'T get pop up notif. for VMs or replies to threads/posts when online mobile Fullsite.
You CAN get notified by site notification bar of PMs and VMs for manual checking.
You CAN'T get notified by site notification bar of replies to threads/posts for manual checking.
You CAN enable email notifications for all except VM.

I would like to get notifications on site notif. bar and pop up for replies to threads/posts. Also want notifications for VM via email and pop up notifcation when on site. What are some other notif. features you'd like to see? The text notifications sounds like a great idea for others, but I dont have a phone number sadly. Oh and btw Where can we suggest a change?
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vBulletin is the forum software the site uses, there's a lot of things that are add-ons that we don't have much control over. As it stands we currently do not have plans to make a dedicated mobile application for TBT, it's a lot of resources spent over nothing to be honest.