Shop (^◡^)~(Big Sale+Lower Prices!)Fashion+Non-reorderable(add Easter Item)+Gradening+Tool

Mayor Name: pixie
Town Name: pallet
FC: 4184-2808-4330
Item: 4 chocolate cakes, choco heart, mint double scoop, 3 candies, a bread box, milk case, tea set, ice cream and soft serve, buffet painting,
Plant: all cosmos
Tool: silver axe, gold watering can, timer
Price: im not sure... 2mil???
Time Zone: central standard time
Mayor Name: pixie
Town Name: pallet
FC: 4184-2808-4330
Item: 4 chocolate cakes, choco heart, mint double scoop, 3 candies, a bread box, milk case, tea set, ice cream and soft serve, buffet painting,
Plant: all cosmos
Tool: silver axe, gold watering can, timer
Price: im not sure... 2mil???
Time Zone: central standard time

Great! i mark them in my trade list ..hope we can trade soon
Mayor Name: Aish
Town Name: Seoulie
FC: (sidebar)
Item: Bubble wand (1) Candies (2)
Clothing: -
Plant: 5 Cedar Saplings
Tool: -
Price: 400k IGB (?) Im bad at pricing Dx
Time Zone: GMT + 3
i will back at 8PM...pls leave message here and i will reply later

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mayor Name: Aish
Town Name: Seoulie
FC: (sidebar)
Item: Bubble wand (1) Candies (2)
Clothing: -
Plant: 5 Cedar Saplings
Tool: -
Price: 400k IGB (?) Im bad at pricing Dx
Time Zone: GMT + 3

Great i will mark them in my trade list...can u trade now?
I've just seen you have other yellow lilies ! Can I buy all the yellow lilies you've got ?
Mayor Name:Alex
Town Name:Lux
Plant: yellow lily x5
Price: 5k
Time Zone:GMT+1
Online Timing:

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Mayor Name:Alex
Town Name:Lux
Plant: yellow lily x5
Price: 5k
Time Zone:GMT+1
Online Timing:23th
Mayor Name:Alex
Town Name:Lux
Plant: yellow lily x5
Price: 5k
Time Zone:GMT+1
Online Timing:

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Mayor Name:Alex
Town Name:Lux
Plant: yellow lily x5
Price: 5k
Time Zone:GMT+1
Online Timing:23th

get it i mark them in my trade list

- - - Post Merge - - -

i will open my shop in Tue, Thur, Sat and Sun...hope we can trade soon
i can trade within 2-3hrs pls leave message here if u want to trade
sick today....leave message here and i will try to reply later...
how much for a golden tool set?

original price 500k/each but 1 mil IGB/set (6 items) it ok?

pls post it here if u interest
**Order Form**
Mayor Name:
Town Name:
Tool: golden tool set x1
Price: 1 mil IGB
Time Zone:
Online Timing:
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