I have an idea of what to do today... Nothing! Maybe we can take today off and let you make a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious party tomorrow. Or, we could just hang out and not do anything that takes setting up... Just some suggestions there
Are we still going to be having a small get together today? If we have 4 then we can get together. Not sure what we will do besides a small fishing tournament again and hide n seek.
Don't do the maze today!!
Because I moved my Wii downstairs, I had to, Bbecause my TV is like 10-15 years old, & its making it all blurry and hurting my eyes, So I won't be on much anymore T_T
Only on Weekends.
I need to save up for a TV.
I can still come on, Bbut maybe not tonight.
I would like to ask everyone in the group to gather as many pitfall seeds as you can. More the better. I'm going to make a race, but it is going to be a maze at the same time. It will be sweet if it turns out the way I'm thinking it will