I said that I was going to try and do tutorials here at some point, so today I'm going to be teaching the importance of naming your character's bones, and also the benefits of manually selecting vertices for your rig.
So, this is our model. As you can see, I just finished rigging her. But what if, when I moved her head for example, it didn't move, or only a small section moved. How do you fix this?
Well, the first thing you need to do is click on the head object (not the bone) and then go to the Data tab. This will bring up a selection of vertex groups, which is basically a way of finding out what your bones are allowed to move on your model. In this case, we want to have our bone move the head (the reason only one side of the face is showing is because I used a mirror modifier while making it), so press the "Select" button on your head bone in the Data tab.
Once you do this, the head should appear highlighted (my highlight colour is blue, but yours may be different). This shows the vertices that the bone is allowed to manipulate when you're posing.
You can do this for every part of your model, and you can even select different parts of the model to move with the same bone, so if your eyes weren't part of the head, you could simply select them as part of your head selection.
That's all for today!