Beau has had surprising little attention and interest peak.
Diana, Ankha and Merengue are hogging all the glory.
Where's the love for the cute boys gone?
Deli is still available... and no one has asked about Deli yet either. =3
Diana is now reserved... I got a wonderfully thought application for her that showed the user really appreciated Diana, and I appreciated that. And the user replied back to my message to confirm the reserve. <3
I said this yesterday but I do mean it for tomorrow...
I will most likely not get move date or boxes for ANYONE tomorrow.
Have some family business that needs tending to.
oooh that's good! I'll message you on tumblr to see if I can manage to reserve him
good luck with your current family business, by the way!! at least after that you can go back to your town and watch the fish at the museum or sit on a tree stump and listen to your animals walk by... in fact, if you need to relax, you don't even need to load the game. eventually, the Title Screen will stop playing music and you can just watch one of your neighbors walking around. the sound of their footsteps along with all the background noises is sooo calming!! (kinda makes me wish i could turn off the music in-game sometimes~)
I wasn't going to cycle today...
But I'm irritated at my printer so I'm taking a break from what I was working on...
- I accidently auto-voided Hans...
--- I forgot he gave me a move date and moved past that date. ^^'
- New Key Colors For Residents
--- Added "To Be Auctioned/Auctioning" and "Plan To-Do/Set Up Giveaway" color codes
- Going to AUCTIONAnkha when I get a move date!
- Going to do a GIVEAWAY for Merengue when I get a move date!
- Bangle and Mitzi are the newest residents of Cycle
- Angus is the newest resident of Avalon
I just got TWO new villagers from avalon. XP
Willow AND Rory!
I have added them to the front page.
I got eveything done I need to... or at least am going to because I ran out of ink. >.>
SO ... working on cycling with main town until I need to leave.
I would work on cycle town but my husband is playing on his ds. =3
Gah... I got drawn into listening to stuff for super smash brothers video and pixeling...
And I totally lost track of time...
I had someone message me on Tumblr and if they don't message back, you can get him. =3
Well they still haven't replied back, so you can have him. ^-^
This is my main town so my FC is listed...
I notice your signature, so I'm not sure which town you would like to pick him up with and if they have a different FC.
I'll wait before add until you confirm. =3
We just finished building our PC last night and got all the software installed... that means my husband will probably be playing with the new computer all day today... which means... I can steal his ds. =3
So, goal is to try and get 2 or 3 villagers out of Cycle today.
And at least 2 villagers out of Avalon today.
Wish me luck!!