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One down... several to go before the reset. ^-^
I'm gonna try and see if I can get another one out tonight.
Marry has now set a moving date!
Get your posts in if you would like her!
I would prefer her gone tonight!

Also, sprinkle will be picked up soon, so I hope to have another villager from there up for grabs!
i'd like merry for a friend if possible! she doesn't have tbt though.
Would you be the one picking up merry or the friend?
I feel strange dealing with middle-men. XP

the friend if that's okay. merry's her last dreamie so i was trying to find her (>︵<)
totally fine if you're not cool with it though, i can keep looking~
the friend if that's okay. merry's her last dreamie so i was trying to find her (>︵<)
totally fine if you're not cool with it though, i can keep looking~

Meh. It's her last dreamie... And I would love merry to go to a good home since she was one of the originals I kept this entire time. =3
Are you talking with her now? or is this a you will have to wait for her to come online somewhere else then talk then come back here kinda thing? XP
Meh. It's her last dreamie... And I would love merry to go to a good home since she was one of the originals I kept this entire time. =3
Are you talking with her now? or is this a you will have to wait for her to come online somewhere else then talk then come back here kinda thing? XP

talking to her via text atm. she's free to pick her up right now if you're tting her to boxes~
she's so thankful and adding you now omg ; A ;
talking to her via text atm. she's free to pick her up right now if you're tting her to boxes~
she's so thankful and adding you now omg ; A ;

Perfect. ^-^
I will just need her FC to add her. <3
I take a little while opening the gate because I always TT to the day before move out and then to the actual move out... just in case I messed something up like write the wrong date. XP

Since I am resetting my main town that she is in, she is free to take any flowers that are around her ((just normals there white and purple violets)) and I already grabbed flowers from the town I wanted.
Also, she is free to run since again, already took everything I wanted flower wise.

I will end multiplayer as soon as Merry agrees to move in. <3
Perfect. ^-^
I will just need her FC to add her. <3
I take a little while opening the gate because I always TT to the day before move out and then to the actual move out... just in case I messed something up like write the wrong date. XP

Since I am resetting my main town that she is in, she is free to take any flowers that are around her ((just normals there white and purple violets)) and I already grabbed flowers from the town I wanted.
Also, she is free to run since again, already took everything I wanted flower wise.

I will end multiplayer as soon as Merry agrees to move in. <3

alright, sent her that entire message ^^
and her fc is 3067-5656-3049
thank you so much again!
well it is almost midnight...
I got three out today so that makes me happy.
And got Mitzi as a new villager in the cycle town.
So I am going to call it a night.

Tomorrow I am unlikely to get my cycling done...
There is a bit of a family crisis kinda thing going on for the past almost month now... but dealing with some of it tomorrow.
Not really gonna get into it because this isn't the place for it...
But yeah...
Not likely to get much done tomorrow ACNL wise.
Zell the Smug Deer has a move date!!
I was thinking you had to have 9 villagers ((or 10 of course)) in a town before someone would move but apparently I was wrong and someone will still move out if you only have 8. =3
Learn something new every day I suppose.
Super excited!
I updated the front with these cute headers I made. ^-^
The pixel lace and bow is something awhile back, but I thought it would be super cure for the headers. ^-^

I think it looks a lot more organized now. <3
wow your tumblr page is very well organized. for a sec I thought I typed in the wrong url because it looked so much like this other site i've been to, but anyways, great job!
Awe thanks. ^-^
Most of it is just the regular theme code that the original creator did...
I just had to tweak a few things that is code wise.
Like the villager/fruit, details under post, and the links.
The link slide edit drove me crazy trying to get it to work for about 3hrs only for me to start dinner and while making it realize how to do it right... it was so simple and did it in 5mins... I was so mad. XP
I know how tough theme editing could be. ;-; I don't change my theme as often anymore, though.
This is the three theme I have used...
The other two I had were used so commonly... I wanted something that looked different but still nice and simple but had everything I wanted to shown, showed.... is that so much to as for?? D<
And then I found one and tweaked it to accommodate me better. ^-^
I have always loved coding though so it was too much a pain for me... except those links. ah.

I wasn't planning on doing any more cycling since I was suppose to make a photo album today...
But I got the photos selected... but now I need ink...
And I want to now make a dvd...
but a couple videos just aren't convert...
I'm gonna cycle before I loss my mind. >.>
So.... Ankha and Diana are possibly reserved now...
I messaged someone who submitted an application for Ankha yesterday and just messaged someone who submited one for Diana today.
Have not heard a reply back from either of them, but I hope to soon.
Until then and otherwise, they are still free for reservation applications through my cycle tumblr.

Just thought I would post here to give a status update. =3
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