I don't do notifications except when I have reserves for the user to come pick them up... which I only operate with reserve and that kinda things through there...
Since it is my main cycle point and this is just a side product when no one there wants it. XP
But you are welcome to subscribe to the thread and check back. I update the title whenever a villager moves in, has move date, or is in boxes.
... I do notifications through tumblr as well, not on here.
Since, again, it is where the cycle town operates...
This thread and place is more "back up" if people don't get back to me on there and I really want the villager out.
And for auctions since it is harder or organize an auction on tumblr. XP
Most villager giveaways will be operated on tumblr as well with people having the option for a possible extra entry by entering on the thread as well. ((so tumblr users can get possibly 3 entries and only TBT users can only get 1))
Gloria the snooty duck is in boxes!
... I was too impatient to do the "move date" post and then TT and then make an "in boxes" post. XP
Will likely autovoid in about an hour.
I'm playing with stuff on the computer, but I will be checking back here... so if interested post before the hour is up!
Gloria has been voided...
Back down to 7 villagers in my main town with no new plots...
So it is possible have only 8 villagers and still get people to move. =3
Too bad the people I want a move date for won't ping. >.<
Time to TT a few more days in hope of getting them out!
Diana has finally given me a move date!!!
I notified my reserve for her... I will give the reserve until later tomorrow ((11pm EST for me XP)) to respond before I start seeking a new home for her.
I want her out ASAP since she is one of the key players to get outta town before I can reset. XP
Please, not post asking about her.
I will post whenever I find something out on if the user was able to obtain her or if I am needing to find her a new home.
I won't get much cycling done today.
If I do it won't be until around probably 10pm EST.
Have a wennie roast at my grandparents ... yes... with it cold outside. XP
Diana's reserve got back to me... but she is unable to take her atm because she is plot resetting another villager still...
I told her that I will hold Diana until the end of the day tomorrow and if she can't pick her up, I will be re-homing her to someone else Tuesday. Especially considering she has been plot resetting the villager she is working with for a couple days already when I notified her that she is reserved for Diana.
But until end of day tomorrow allows ample time for her, but I don't want to wait forever ((ok it feels like it >.>)) because I want to reset my main town ASAP...
Since I am resetting I essentially can't even play animal crossing at all and all I can do is cycle until I get to reset... get why I want to reset ASAP because it gets boring if you can't even really play the game and just cycle day after day after day. >.>
And if I am holding a villager until someone is ready then I can't even do that.
SO... Diana is current still being hold, but if the user is unable to pick her up by the end of the day tomorrow, I will be finding a new home for her to go into Tuesday.
Just an FYI ... do not post asking for her or anything since the reserve still has time to claim her.
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Also, I forgot to include the person who I messaged about reserving Ankha got back to me...
I informed them that since I did not get a reply back, I already set her to be auctioned and it would be unfair to those who are watching the blog and TBT thread for her to be auctioned.
And that they may participate in the auction once I get the move date and who knows they may even get her for cheaper than what she was offering for reserve.
Again, I will not be doing the auction until I have a move date.
Tumblr users who do not have TBT will be able to still participate in the auction by sending me asks with offers that I will post on here ((and I'll be able to provide screenie's of those offers upon request)).
I think in both reserve circumstances I am being fair with my decisions.
Mitzi the normal cat has given me a move date... would like to TT her out ASAP.
Should still be 100% original, but I cannot guarantee it when you pick her up because villagers like to change things on the whim. =/
Sounds good. =3
I thought about messaging you... not gonna lie. XP
The town's info :: |FC::3497-1351-6330|Mii::Fleebz|ACChar::Warden|ACTown::Cycle|
I can TT her into boxes right now... and hopefully she will still be 100% original then. =3
Urgh... As soon as I get Peanut, Merengue and Beau out of my main town, I'm resetting...
I am sooooo tempted to do it now, but I know there are so many people who want Merengue and Beau... And I have a reserve for Peanut.
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... reference for me :: 20
I will be posting a giveaway within the next 30mins to an hour!!
Just keep checking the front post!
Giveaway has been set up!
It is literally only 3hrs long! ((more like 2hr and 30mins now))
Be sure to read the enter post about the giveaway!
I am being VERY picky!
Oh my gosh, I'd love to enter please, I love shortcake !! I'm seriously going to stay up 2.5 hours for this chance, even though I've been about to knock out for like an hour now LOL~ motivation to stay awake to do homework! Thanks so much for this! ^_^