Cycling |Boxes :: SPEED CYCLING - CHECK NEWEST POST|Newest :: Julian&Skye|C-T's TBT Thread|

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Our first TBT entry. ^-^
I live in EST so I know the feeling. XP
... my husband works 2nd shift tho and ill be off work only about an hr before it ends... and I have to stay up to talk to him about something anyways.
... I just noticed the header for my giveaway I accidentally made the pink a the shade lighter than it needed to be...
I wonder how long I can last before I go and change it...

I'm going to go warm up food some and when I come back I'll update the entry list. <3
Too bad I don't have any strawberry shortcake... it sounds so good right now. v.v

- - - Post Merge - - -

entries updated!!

I guess not too many ppl wanting merengue at this time of day/night. ^^'
I know I barely fit the requirements for entering,and she's not personally a dreamie of mine,but I'm trying to obtain a Merengue for a kind person who is fostering my Avery(he's my favorite villager and it was an accident he went into boxes),she didn't ask for anything,but I want to repay her with her pink rhino dreamie, Merengue. Might I mention I love shortcake? Part of a complete breakfast.
sorryIhaveaquestionortwo o.o
Tumblr people don't need dreamie proof? @_@
Sorry, I have strict rules for the TBT entries.
If I bend them for one, I'll have to bend them for all.
However, the same rules for the TBT part of the giveaway do not pertain to the tumblr part, so you can still get two entries through tumblr.
sorryIhaveaquestionortwo o.o
Tumblr people don't need dreamie proof? @_@

Nope... it would be way to hard to track since they could easily go and edit any post from any date to show "it's their dreamie" and I have met many tumblr users who do not use TBT or reddit to show they have bid on auctions... and since asks can be answered privately and no record of what you sent someone ((unless they reply back to it)) trying to get the villager. =/
Nope... it would be way to hard to track since they could easily go and edit any post from any date to show "it's their dreamie" and I have met many tumblr users who do not use TBT or reddit to show they have bid on auctions... and since asks can be answered privately and no record of what you sent someone ((unless they reply back to it)) trying to get the villager. =/

Ahh, I guess... Does entering on both tumblr and TBT give you 3 entries in total? :eek:
Ahh, I guess... Does entering on both tumblr and TBT give you 3 entries in total? :eek:

Yes. Yes it does. =3
BUT however your name was picked ((I am making a list on word then then numbering then doing so it will show on my list if it was a tumblr or TBT name)) is how you will be notified.
So, if you enter 3 times (TBT post, reblog, like) and I get the names grouped together and I the number picked is your name from when you reblogged the post, I will notify you on tumblr...
Makes sense?
I hope so. ^^'
Yes. Yes it does. =3
BUT however your name was picked ((I am making a list on word then then numbering then doing so it will show on my list if it was a tumblr or TBT name)) is how you will be notified.
So, if you enter 3 times (TBT post, reblog, like) and I get the names grouped together and I the number picked is your name from when you reblogged the post, I will notify you on tumblr...
Makes sense?
I hope so. ^^'

Oh, yayyy, okay. :D I'll keep watch on both when the time comes. *u* Will you post here when you choose a winner, as well?
I sure will. ^-^
I will try to do a screenie thing of the list and what number the picked... just to make it look more legit kinda thing so no one can say I just picked someone. >.>
But I will make a post on both the blog and here saying I notified the winner AND when they have gotten back to me.
That way no one will get their hopes up thinking either 1. I haven't gotten the winner picked yet or 2. the winner hasn't notified me so I'll pick another.
... I like to keep people informed so no one gets their hopes built up from the anticipation only to let them down. ^^'

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Also, a bonus from TBT users compared to tumblr, is you can post in the thread to ask questions while I included that if they message me on tumblr, they are disqualified. XP
well, as long as the question posts aren't stupid like "why not end the giveaway and just give her to me?" XP
And I included that because I know if I didn't I would get way too many stupid asks and comments sent to me on tumblr... I learned that very quickly with the cycle's blog. v.v
Not a whole lot longer left in the giveaway.
And not too many people have entered ((via TBT or tumblr.))
So get your entries in before 3am EST because it is the absolute cut off and I will not accept any more entries after that!

First place did not have their ask open, so no way of notifying them. Therefore, had to go with number two...
Awaiting on response back from the new winner.

First place did not have their ask open, so no way of notifying them. Therefore, had to go with number two...
Awaiting on response back from the new winner.

WHAT. I thought it was opennnnnnnnnnnnnn. .___________. omggggggggg I'm so noob at tumblr ahhhhhh T________T
cONGRATSss... T_______T
WOW I thought Tumblr had asks open by default ahhhhhhhh I feel so stupid I should've checked T___T
I'm sorry to those who wanted her, but she has been won now and in process of being retrieved.
I wish you luck in finding your own Merengue. <3

I will update the front later ... it's almost 3:30am here and I have to take my grandma to the dr tomorrow. XP
ohohohoho my heart hurts. T__T at least... now I have my ask open....for future reference x____x....

LOL this is what I get for always ignoring my friends who wanted me to use Tumblr more often

Ahh I always mess up like this... xD
Congratsss Lora, I hope the person holding Avery will be very happy and surprised :')

I hope I'll find Merengue again soon. u-u My friend did promise me that if hers ever pinged her to move, she'd give her to me, but... she doesn't TT... XD That could take months... @_@

Even though I screwed up, thanks so much for this opportunity... and learning experience u-u'' You also gave me the motivation to stay up late to finish allll of my homework, instead of giving up and going to bed. xD I've been sick lately so I was missing a lot of classes. I hope your family situation works out! >w<
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