Cycling |Boxes :: SPEED CYCLING - CHECK NEWEST POST|Newest :: Julian&Skye|C-T's TBT Thread|

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Yeah. Sorry... I just really needed her out because I really need to reset my town... it's a good distraction...
My grandma's dr apt isn't bad tomorrow... just a video and stuff about her eye surgery...
It's my husband's mom that's the big family thing... which got more bad news today... -sigh-
off to bed... it's after 330. >.<
Willow has given me a move date! ((not the one I need. >.<))
I have to start dinner soon for my husband, so I am unlikely to respond.
I will be back online around 8:30pm EST and will TT her into boxes then.
Yeah I don't see that anywhere... or even small text that you can't make out... or white text you can highlight. XP
Oh well. FC added. Opening gates now. =3
You may run.
I just got rid of mitzi from my cycle town by giving her to someone else and now she has a plot down in my main town. XP
I don't know if the town will be around long enough to get her out, though.
As soon as I get Beau and Peanut out, I resetting the town.
Do happen to still have bangle? I might take her later if you still have her and I don't win a raffle for another dreamy
Bangle is still in the Cycle Town

And the bidding is starting out at 1mill. ^0^

I'm gonna go offline for about 30mins or so...
I'll be on briefly before heading off to make dinner.
But I will be online when the auction ends.
Well, this isn't too much of an auction now is it? XP

If no one else bids by 9pm, I should probably just go ahead and sell her to polliboo . ^^'
Tabby has given me a move date!
Will update front when I come back online around 8:30pm.
After I update I will probably hold her for 30mins-1hr before voiding.
reference for me ... 28

Offline I go... be back in about 30mins.
Tabby has been voided.


- - - Post Merge - - -

10more minutes until the auction ends!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Only 5more mins. ^-^
After the auction ends, the winner will have 10mins to reply back to me and pick up Mitzi!
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