Calling All US and Japenese Guys


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2009
I needs friends from US and Japan so i can get holiday special stuff
I am in da uk so i can let people in for holidays to get special stuff
Plz i just need sum friends
I'm in the United States......... =)
Info is to the side, but idk if I can add you(I might have a full roster)
Hongy chongy chao mao!

Just kidding.
I'm english to.
And before you get the wrong impression...

there are NO! people from japan here your roasters gonna be filled with U.S k? oh and maybe canada theres not many here but some :D
Thanks for the info, i did'nt realize. Do any of you know where i could find any japenese friends??? I'll add all of u 2
#gsw1996 said:
there are NO! people from japan here your roasters gonna be filled with U.S k? oh and maybe canada theres not many here but some :D
There is one person who is Japanese here and he had the Japanese version, he is on my friend roster.

And btw Rainbow, I think I can fit you into my roster.... I think.... :/
Erica said:
#gsw1996 said:
there are NO! people from japan here your roasters gonna be filled with U.S k? oh and maybe canada theres not many here but some :D
There is one person who is Japanese here and he had the Japanese version, he is on my friend roster.

And btw Rainbow, I think I can fit you into my roster.... I think.... :/
Errr, who?

Oh and yea, you'll be on my friend list as long as I can visit the UK for special stuff =]
RamboSonik said:
I needs friends from US and Japan so i can get holiday special stuff
I am in da uk so i can let people in for holidays to get special stuff
Plz i just need sum friends
Im from Canada.... ill add you.
dsmaster64 said:
cryindarkness said:
no Canadians? :'(
Y'know, Canada and U.S. should just become one giant country. We could all be like "Yo, We're The United Canada States!....or something."
yes we should >.<
dsmaster64 said:
cryindarkness said:
no Canadians? :'(
Y'know, Canada and U.S. should just become one giant country. We could all be like "Yo, We're The United Canada States!....or something."
Lol, the US get's 50% more things then us. When my aunt comes back from the states, just to food and drink you can get is crazy compaired to us! Were treated unfairly :(
dsmaster64 said:
Erica said:
#gsw1996 said:
there are NO! people from japan here your roasters gonna be filled with U.S k? oh and maybe canada theres not many here but some :D
There is one person who is Japanese here and he had the Japanese version, he is on my friend roster.

And btw Rainbow, I think I can fit you into my roster.... I think.... :/
Errr, who?

Oh and yea, you'll be on my friend list as long as I can visit the UK for special stuff =]
He already made a thread about him havin the Jap game.........

I forgot his username....... I'm sorry..... I just know his name is Ben..... And there are slot of Bens..... 0.o
Brandon said:
I`m Canadian, sorry. D:

I don`t think we have anything special. ;/
We have the same things as Amerians... Want to add me? I have no fellow Canadiens on my rouster :p
cody6695 said:
Brandon said:
I`m Canadian, sorry. D:

I don`t think we have anything special. ;/
We have the same things as Amerians... Want to add me? I have no fellow Canadiens on my rouster :p
And yes I know I am using the french spelling :p My friend got me into it.
Rofl, I'm not going to be getting wifi for a while. But if you have AIM or MSN I'll add you until then.

Or if I can somehow add you as a user on TBT, that'd be great.
Brandon said:
Rofl, I'm not going to be getting wifi for a while. But if you have AIM or MSN I'll add you until then.

Or if I can somehow add you as a user on TBT, that'd be great.
meh add me on msn if you have it I have a folder for wi-fi people,,