Carnival Dust Gathering Discussion

So, here's an observation I've made, not attempting to farm dust, just making posts as I feel the urge to normally. I hope that it's not redundant with observations other people have made, but here it is.

There may be a set number of times you're able to earn dust during a cooldown window. Perhaps you're only able to make two or three posts within a certain time limit that will be worth dust. If they're shorter posts, you get fewer dusts.

So, perhaps the angle is to purposely write really long posts to maximize the amount of dust per post. This post, for example, is quite a bit wordier than it really needs to be, solely for the purpose of trying to get the most dust from it as I possibly can. I don't even know if it will count. I may have already hit the limit for my personal cooldown period for posts, since I already made two posts that earned some dust for me just now. Maybe this post will get me nothing. But I'm going to post this long post and see what happens.

EDIT: I got six dust for that post. That's pretty good! Glad it wasn't too late for this cooldown window.
The thing is, in reality, I do not think I really want to be writing out such very long and worded posts in order to get as much dust as possible. But if in the end, writing a lengthy and long worded post would help, perhaps maybe I too should try to attempt to see if writing out longer post could help me in my endeavour to get more dust out of a post.

The worst thing that would happen is that other readers would be reading this very long winded post and be amused by it. The bestest would be for me to get more and more carnival dust for my needs to be able to contribute to Celeste.

I do recall that during the space camp, there was a suggestion for Celeste to be our mascot, but in the end we chose the space whale. I am glad that Celeste is finally able to get her nice fair share of gathering carnival dust, even if it isn't the stardust we gathered during camp.

Does anyone know what the limitations to the cool down is yet? It seems to not be following the same rules we had like we had at the space camp. I thought there would be one if we visited Celeste's profile, but there does not seem to be any dusts or when viewing the main thread for the Carnival Dust, is what I have noticed.

EDIT: For all that, I only got 1 carnival dust... :<
This is a test post to see if dust cooldown yes or no. No wordy, I’m sleepy.

edit: I am in fact still on cooldown -.- aight so I’ll go to bed.
Just bought myself a new ticket. I got 92 dust on my first one, and I bought a new one as soon as my first one expired. There was a period of about a minute when the first ticket was expired, but the shop wouldn't let me buy a new one, saying it was unique and I already had one, so I couldn't buy another one, but only for one minute, then, to my relief, it allowed me to buy my second ticket. I'm probably going to just live here in the Magic Tent until we get the lost star fragment. I have plenty of tickets, I'll be getting more, and there's not much else I want to do in the other tents anyway. ^o^;>

EDIT: Was really hoping that I'd be able to get dust for that post, but, alas.
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I don’t know how I got to 30 so quickly as I just renewed pass, did 3 profile posts and a thread bump.

Is it possible we can collect dust when we don’t have a pass??
You stop getting dust when you’re not in the tent 😔 you have to donate your dust before you get kicked out of the tent too or you lose it iirc
You stop getting dust when you’re not in the tent 😔 you have to donate your dust before you get kicked out of the tent too or you lose it iirc
From the rules it says: "You can keep and hold your Carnival Dust even if you do not currently have a Magic Tent Pass"
So you won't lose the dust if your pass expires you just won't be able to donate it until you buy another pass.

Anyway I finally bought a ticket for this place so now I will be joining everyone in the dust journey ~
EDIT: I got six dust for that post. That's pretty good! Glad it wasn't too late for this cooldown window.

I'm curious about the edit! During camp, I think it was possible to lose dust for editing a post you collected dust on, and I'm wondering if that could happen now.

I could be remembering wrong (always a possibility, fr), but just in case, I've been trying not to edit posts that counted for dust (when I remember). Does anyone know if that's a possibility, to lose dust through edits?
Just checking if I’ll get dust now or still have to wait ✨
Did anyone ever determine if creating a new thread gives dust on a separate cooldown from regular posts in existing threads? I haven't been creating new threads, partially because it's difficult to think of new thread topics that aren't just spam, and partially because it seems like they don't give any more dust than normal posts, and, in fact, can be cancelled out by normal posts.

I'm curious about the edit! During camp, I think it was possible to lose dust for editing a post you collected dust on, and I'm wondering if that could happen now.
I didn't lose any for that edit, I think because I didn't make the post any shorter, I just added to it. I didn't get more dust for adding a little more. And in my experience with bells, if you don't shorten the post, you temporarily have the bells for the post taken away when you edit it and then get back the bells for the edited post as if it were new, so if it's mostly the same, you get the same amount of bells back.
I wonder what the fragment will look like. Maybe it’ll be orange?
Lost frag is 002.AN so I am hoping it’s an Actually Nevermind team frag 🤞🤞🤞💚💜💚 our team colour ended up mint green (but we were robbed of purple 🫢🙈💜)