Mafia Caxnival Mafia: Game Thread - End Game

Day Four

Story coming later because Tina thought it was a great idea to farm Adamantoise's in FFXIII to keep herself awake and then looks at the time to discover it's 10:56pm oops.

N e s s aka. Alice the Never-Aging Boy (Doctor) was killed.

Alice the Never-Aging Boy (Doctor)
Seemingly ageless, you have seen decades pass in this town, and yet you still have a young, youthful face. While everyone else is caught up in this madness you are quite content, taking tea at 3:30am every morning and not a minute later! Each night, you may invite a player to your tea party - but never invite the same person two nights in a row, or else they might think you are playing favourites! And watch out for anyone trying to sneak poison into your tea pot.

Each night you may PM the host the name of the person you wish to save. You cannot select the same person two nights in a row.

Your win objective is to rid the town of all non-town aligned players. You win when there are no threats remaining against the town.

xCleb aka. Xander the Mime (Vote Stealer) was killed.

Xander the Mime (Vote Stealer)
You are not silent because you are a mime; you are a mime because you are silent. Your anxiety is crippling to the point that you cannot make even the smallest of squeaks in front of an audience. But you learned that you could channel that into your act, where under your make-up no one can see how red your cheeks turn. Without a voice you cannot vote, and thus must steal the votes of others in order to have a say in the lynch.

Each night you may PM the host the name of the person whose vote you wish to steal. You cannot steal the vote of the same person two nights in a row.

Your win objective is to rid the town of all non-town aligned players. You win when there are no threats remaining against the town.

Day Four is scheduled to end Thursday 18th October 11pm BST / 6pm EDT / 3pm PDT.
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Day Four

Story coming later because Tina thought it was a great idea to farm Adamantoise's in FFXIII to keep herself awake and then looks at the time to discover it's 10:56pm oops.

N e s s aka. Alice the Never-Aging Boy (Doctor) was killed.

xCleb aka. Xander the Mime (Vote Stealer) was killed.

Day Four is scheduled to end Thursday 18th October 11pm BST / 6pm EDT / 3pm PDT.

um rekt....