Changes you would refuse to adapt to

Lol at people complaining about games being easy.. Like you know you can stay away from these unlike this damn rapid speed weed technology development...
Lol at people complaining about games being easy.. Like you know you can stay away from these unlike this damn rapid speed weed technology development...

I know we can stay away from the even easier games, but sometimes when the developers make games too easy, I wouldn't blame the developers. I blame the new generations of video gamers. They don't like games getting too hard. Even games that have a normal difficulty is considered "hard" for new players. But the developers can be just as bad since they are making the games easier and ignoring the older fanbases' main issues. Of course, the older gamers can be worse than the newer gamers for being more cynical and getting rude about it.

I actually remembered complaining about Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D World being too easy, but Super Mario Odyssey is also just as easy and simple like Super Mario 64, which gave me a clue on what I'm really bothered by in Super Mario Galaxy and 3D World. They aren't giving enough challenge in the main gameplay. Odyssey is easy, yet they are giving you challenges to do as you play. Galaxy and 3D World lack those (except for the prankster comets, which are just repetitive gameplay).
Lol at people complaining about games being easy.. Like you know you can stay away from these unlike this damn rapid speed weed technology development...

I'm not seeing what that has to do with complaining abt video games :?
I'm not seeing what that has to do with complaining abt video games :?

Because you can avoid them I guess, I mean you don't have to play them unlike other tech stuff being more or less forced upon us day by day.

I mean I prefer "easier" games since I'm a very casual player so yeah I for one avoid the harder ones unless they are awesome like Bayonetta lol