Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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Anyone willing to give Peanut a new home?! Only going to hold her for 20 minutes before I void her...
aww static is reserved, sad :(

it took me awhile to find this thread i have so many stupid windows open!

but hey :)

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Anyone willing to give Peanut a new home?! Only going to hold her for 20 minutes before I void her...

oh wow that didn't work out? I thought I just saw that you guys had finally connected with each other
Awe! Peanut!!! I got her for my daughters town. She luvs her! Yeah. My kids are gonna be the death of me with all their dreamies. At least most are unpopular. My daughter wants merengue, ha! I told her I'd only get her her if she ended up in one of our campsites. The only other really popular ones left are Gavin's last 2 penguins. Hopper and aurora.
aww static is reserved, sad :(

it took me awhile to find this thread i have so many stupid windows open!

but hey :)

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oh wow that didn't work out? I thought I just saw that you guys had finally connected with each other

Welcome to my cycle thread! Lol Yah it took me 3 resets to finally get Static for someone. And yah I did finally get Peanut adopted. :D Is there anyone else you are looking for?!

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Awe! Peanut!!! I got her for my daughters town. She luvs her! Yeah. My kids are gonna be the death of me with all their dreamies. At least most are unpopular. My daughter wants merengue, ha! I told her I'd only get her her if she ended up in one of our campsites. The only other really popular ones left are Gavin's last 2 penguins. Hopper and aurora.

DaCoSim! You know I will def. keep a look out for you! Yah my best friend is holding Merengue for me. I am going to give her to a friends daughter. But if I also come across her myself I will let you know.
Welcome to my cycle thread! Lol Yah it took me 3 resets to finally get Static for someone. And yah I did finally get Peanut adopted. :D Is there anyone else you are looking for?!

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DaCoSim! You know I will def. keep a look out for you! Yah my best friend is holding Merengue for me. I am going to give her to a friends daughter. But if I also come across her myself I will let you know.

I'm a crazy person I'm looking for more than I could ever probably keep that's why I keep accumulating more games lol. Marshal was my most wanted I was lucky enough to get him on a reset yesterday! I'm always "looking" for Beau but never expecting to find him since it's usually Beau for 58574395739 bells/Beau for Marshal, etc. Besides that I've been trying to get myself to sit down and prioritize...I've lost Bam by being too slow in threads a few times now, I reset when I get plots for Marina, the two girl elephants I'm missing (Tia/Margie), other missing deer and ostriches, some cats that are my favourites (like Bob as you know), and a few randoms like Poncho/Static. I am too swayed by the CUTE. I need to seriously make like a top 5.

Mostly when they pop up in threads or plots in my game I know how badly I want them for some, like when I didn't take Cheri when she was available when I thought I would have or reset after getting Tipper and Queenie plots.

I never knew that Beau was popular. He was my original villager. Lol by the end of the day you are going to need like 6 copies of this game. I have Margie but I'm also looking for Tia. I lost Naomi in a TT accident so my best friend is holding her for me til I cycle out the 16 in my main town. I'm doing a Zen theme in my main town so looking for certain neighbors.
I literally have 5 now lol one is going to have to become a cycling town after this

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Sorry who is Naomi? And anyone you're looking for that you haven't found yet incase I come across them?
Naomi was my snooty cow. I like the way she looks...:D I have the main ones I was looking for like Kabuki, Pekoe and Genji. I like most of my neighbors except for Klaus, truffles and prince. Trying to kick those 3 out my town.
Naomi was my snooty cow. I like the way she looks...:D I have the main ones I was looking for like Kabuki, Pekoe and Genji. I like most of my neighbors except for Klaus, truffles and prince. Trying to kick those 3 out my town.

Oh I don't know how I forgot her when there are only 3 cows. I like Tipper best :)

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starting to fall asleep at the computer goodnight all <3
Omg. Yeah. Raising hand. 5 copies of this game. Mine and my 4 kids and I'm going to dl a copy to my 3ds for Christmas. I'm going to cycle for people for awhile and then try to obtain the villagers that I want to live in what will be Storybrk, my once upon a time themed town!!! Gonna take forever, but luckily my dream team for my future project are not real popular : ) night all!
Anyone willing to give Curlos a permanent home?! Will hold him for 15 minutes before I move on.

-Has been voided-
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Celia the normal eagle finally asked to move today. Anyone want to give her a home?! I will hold her for 15 minutes before I void her.

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Has been voided
Anyone want Cherry before I void her?!

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Adopted to main town
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Anyone willing to give Gayle a forever home? I tried holding her for someone but I need to cycle on and get other dreamies out of my town today.
My time for fostering O'Hare has come to an end. This is the second time he asked to move and since the first home fell thru I decided to see if anyone else would like to adopt him. I will get him into boxes ASAP if needed.
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