Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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UGH I was too late. My husband called and we had to leave suddenly to go jump his car. Geez. Then we had to go get a battery. Grrrr... glad I already paid for my 2 new acnl copies.
UGH I was too late. My husband called and we had to leave suddenly to go jump his car. Geez. Then we had to go get a battery. Grrrr... glad I already paid for my 2 new acnl copies.

She is all yours! Just let me know when you want her. I haven't put her into boxes yet since I'm in my cycling town right now looking for new neighbors...

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Oh but if she is a dreamie of yours then I say give her to dacosim! I withdraw. :)

If there is anything else I can try and help you with please let me know!
Oh thats ok! I'll just keep on the lookout :) Thank you so much though! And yaaay congrats DaCo!!
Oh Lady, I meant, holding that other villager for YOU earlier. I just got a pm from them. Let someone else have Olivia. I honestly didn't mean her. OOPS that was my bad.
Ohhhh haha. Well in that case I would love to have her then. :) just didnt wana take from someone who wanted her more.
Lol! Yah I saw that message earlier...I gave my Gala to my bestie and another Gala to my 5 year old to hold but she won't give her back...Hahah

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Ohhhh haha. Well in that case I would love to have her then. :) just didnt wana take from someone who wanted her more.

Let me know when you want her. I do not have her in boxes yet. I can get her ready whenever you are. I'm just looking for new people for my cycle town so I'm always ready... :D
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Not at all!!! LOL!!! I have a holding town, and was trying to get Gala into it for Lady, but I had to leave.
Omg!!! Holy cow!!! I wont have room to take her is the bad news... but marshal is in my campsite!!! And I have an open spot... I think I'm guna die.
I say grab Marshal if you can! I can always hold Olivia if you still want her...if not I will see if anyone else would adopt her in the next couple days.
Straight jacket, would you like me to pick her up in my holding town for you?

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Having marshal in your campsite is NEVER bad news.
I am so happy! I got him! And that's ok. You dont have to. You guys can see if someone else wants her and if I get someone to move out before then I will definitely come grab her. :)
I am so happy! I got him! And that's ok. You dont have to. You guys can see if someone else wants her and if I get someone to move out before then I will definitely come grab her. :)

Congrats!!! I will see if anyone else might want her...Hopefully I can get her adopted.
hello wonderful!

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sorry I never say anything useful in your threads :) lol
you're like my fairy godmother or something

Hahaha... You know it's funny that people on here call me nice and what not but dang, I play black ops and they call me different names! Hahaha guess they don't like being beat by a lady. :cool:
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