Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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merengue omg

I know. I got lucky with her in my campsite...Not sure what I'm going to do with her yet.

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Lolly ;u;

I will keep a look out if I see another lolly for you... If things fall thru with the girl who wants Lolly I will let you know first.

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Guess no one wants O'Hare....:(
I know. I got lucky with her in my campsite...Not sure what I'm going to do with her yet.

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I will keep a look out if I see another lolly for you... If things fall thru with the girl who wants Lolly I will let you know first.

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Guess no one wants O'Hare....:(

I just saw this
That's so kind thank you so much!
I just thought I would say that, for lolly, I'm available from around 4pm GMT to 11pm GMT through Sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday, I'm available from 4 pm to 2am GMT
Anyone want to give Apple a home? I have her in boxes and really don't want to void her....
I'll take her!!! She's one of my dreamies :D

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Added you :)
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Thank you SOOOOO much! I've been wanting Apple for the longest, she is so adorable! <3 <3 <3! I'll take care of her, and I'm glad she didn't go to the void, I hate that place :,(
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Thank you SOOOOO much! I've been wanting Apple for the longest, she is so adorable! <3 <3 <3! I'll take care of her, and I'm glad she didn't go to the void, I hate that place :,(

Yay! Grats :)
Thank you SOOOOO much! I've been wanting Apple for the longest, she is so adorable! <3 <3 <3! I'll take care of her, and I'm glad she didn't go to the void, I hate that place :,(

I didn't want to send her there... Thank you so much for adopting her!
Olivia is deciding to move away from my main town. I accidentally got her from my daughters wifi pool. She just pinged me so she is not yet in boxes. Does anyone have her as a dreamie that would like to give her a forever home?
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