I'm a little indecisive so I left some color choices and design choices up to you... I hope this is ok!
Mayor: Brianna
Town: Doggone
Friend Code (optional): 0189-8429-2637
Dream Address (optional):
Villagers (optional): Diana, Merengue, Freya, Whitney, Marina, Bonbon, Beau, Marshal, Genji, Lobo
Dreamies (optional):
Names under them? Please!
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): All of them are dreamies and obtained, so some sort of recognition of that on the signature would be nice!
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom) Whatever looks nice!
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): White
Main text colour: A light pink or light grey would be prefered. Whichever looks better!
Font (if left blank, I will decide):
Signature background (provide the URL): http://i1309.photobucket.com/albums...mblr_inline_mr7t4xXqGf1qz4rgp_zpsab4e1e10.gif
Animated sig? yes!!
Any borders? (i.e: Cloud, Heart, Star) No thank you edit: I did originally want cloud but now I do not
Coloured border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) yes, gradient please
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) No thank you
Scalloped border? no
Any text/scalloped border gradients? (State colour hex code/s) Text and border please! A white to light pink (or grey) that you choose for the initial font color would be nice. I don't have a specific hex I was planning to use.
Transparent white strip? yes please
Any extra add-ons? my pixel mayor if possible!
Also, my native fruit is cherry so i would like that added as well.