May I request a shiny kangaskhan?
sure lemme know when you're free to pick it up
I'm available now
What level is it?
Yay lmao
Do you sell megastones?
yes I do!
May I get a megastone of kangaskhan? Also tell me the pricing of that Orz.
Also is it possible to name her?
Sending now
Can you name her Yadra? I'm trying to think of motherly names lmao
on now~
Can I buy that Shiny Mew #28 on list?
of course. Would you like to trade now?
(40 tbt)
Yep Umm this is my first time trading on ORAS..Do I add you as friend first?
yep just add my friend code, and then go online on pss. ign prabha
Ooh already have you added XD
ign is susanna
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umm so what do I do after going on pss o.0 I tried trading