(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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LF Sherb or Bob (Preferably Bob)

FT: Merengue, Coco, Pashima
Still on the hunt for Skye and Punchy! A mix of IGB/NMT may be best but lmk what you're lookin' for! I can offer the few star fragments I have if that interests you
I'm in no rush, but I'm actively looking for Kabuki!
Offering IGB and maybe up to 10-15 NMT. I also have pink mums, pink tulips, and blue pansies.
LF: Raymond, Walt, Roald, Lucky, Octavian in that priority
FT: Name your price in Bells or NMTs
I have Octavian in boxes ready to go! I'm looking for an offer of bells and nmt?? not sure how much though.
LF: Goldie
FT: A mix NMT, gold nuggets, or star fragments

Please help, she's my dreamie and I don't want my empty plot to go to a rando! :cry:
I have Bones in boxes rn! How many NMT are you offering?
I currently have 5 since i had to do a thing for a friend but I can also throw in some fruit, golden nuggets and cherry blossom items as well!
Wow Ive posted in here a ton Im so sorry, I just have my updated list of LF villagers
Beardo, Tia, Cally, Willow, Gayle, Marcie
Looking For:
Sprocket (If he's a villager?)

Trade for NMT :) (i have some gold nugs and star frags if u prefer)
LF: Lolly or Diana
FT: Wolfgang (maybe), June, Mallary, Biff. 30-35 NMT, igb, recipes, furniture, basically anything. Message me!!
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