(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Erik! He's the very last dreamie that I need. :( I have Zell currently in boxes if anyone would want him as well!
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Still searching for Marina, Flora, or Marshal! Free would be great, but I'm also willing to pay in igb (im not quite familiar with tbt)
Looking for Pudge or Broccolo! Please let me know if u have them! Also looking for Cousteau
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I have Muffy in boxes! VM me if interested! c: I'd be willing to sell for any price--I just want her to go to a good home.
Looking for Frita. Please message me if you have her and are interested in selling or giving her to someone.
Desperately lookin for ankha! I will pay igb, tbt, out other offers. I'll even draw your mayor ;-; please help me get my last dreamie!
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