(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Willing to pay in bells or items/flowers!!

Thank you, I hope someone has either one!
Im looking for Diana, Lolly, or Skye
Im willing to offer bells, hybrids, and I also have Maple, Ankha or Rosie to offer.
Looking for Butch, Bangle, Claudia, or Bianca for my girlfriend ^^. Please message me if you have any of them!
Looking For

Willing to pay in bells or items/flowers!!

Thank you, I hope someone has either one!
Looking for Vesta, Cookie, and Dotty for my mum's town. She's really come to like this site. She doesn't have an account yet, so I do all the business for her. Some of you may have already done trades and what not with me, because I was hunting items and villagers for her. XD So, anyways please let me know if you have Vesta, Dotty, or Cookie. We'll accept either one. There is room in my mom's town right now, so we can adopt immediately. I'm poor in game, but I'll gladly pay BtB. Thanks so much in advance. :D

Edit: Found Cookie and now have a full town. Will continue to hunt for Dotty and Vesta later. Thanks everyone!
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Looking for

Bruce, Lopez, Whitney, Fang (Lopez has replaced Erik because I accidentally lost him TnT)
I have Soileil in boxes if anybody wants her :) I will be voiding her in about 30minutes though!!

PM me if you'd like her, 100% free
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