Now that I have Rudy, I am looking for Punchy for my all-cat town. Please, I <3 lazy villagers because they remind me of myself, and Punchy has such a sophisticated looking design.
Looking for dreamies. All other villagers I have are FREE, and can be reserved as long as you can reply within 24 hours of notice (unless I have to make room for a dreamie quick). Check the sig!
Still looking for Beau my last dreamie for my wolf/deer town
I can only offer O'hare, Filbert, Walker and TBT bells (my ingame bells are needed to get that stupid badge Dx )
Hi, I'm looking for Gala. I fell for her at my campsite but I didn't have the space for her then.... I'd be happy to pay in bells, items, tbt or hybrids for her.
LF: Katt, Ruby, and Rod! Katt is my top dreamie out of those but I'll be really happy to get the others, too. I can pay in TBT bells, or you can give me a bit to sell those tbt bells for in game bells. I can also see if I have anything on your wishlist! :>
My daughter has Diana but I don't think she'd be willing to part with her as she says she's her favourite but I can ask for you as she's 6 and her mind changes a lot :S
My daughter has Diana but I don't think she'd be willing to part with her as she says she's her favourite but I can ask for you as she's 6 and her mind changes a lot :S
Myself, I am really looking for Elise!!! She is the last dreamie I need that I cannot get my hands on
My nephew is looking for Francine, because he has Chrissy and wants to have both of them in his town! I can offer bells, the 7-11 set, newsprint helmet, throwing beans, toy hammer, almost full sloppy and cardboard set, sweets set, gorgeous set or princess set!
also looking for any of my dreamies but right now Francine
Alli the snooty alligator just told me that she wanted to leave. So if someone's interested, I'll give her for free ~ *though, I need a free "slot" as soon as possible, so I won't wait that long for a possible answer*
Thanks to the wonderful people on this website, the only dreamie I am looking for is the Cranky Eagle Avery! I can offer you the Princess set, up to 3mil bells, Broccolo or Frita! Please PM me if you are interested, or want to haggle!