(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Now that I have Rudy, I am looking for Punchy for my all-cat town. Please, I <3 lazy villagers because they remind me of myself, and Punchy has such a sophisticated looking design.
Looking for dreamies. All other villagers I have are FREE, and can be reserved as long as you can reply within 24 hours of notice (unless I have to make room for a dreamie quick). Check the sig!
Still looking for Beau my last dreamie for my wolf/deer town
I can only offer O'hare, Filbert, Walker and TBT bells (my ingame bells are needed to get that stupid badge Dx )
Hi, I'm looking for Gala. I fell for her at my campsite but I didn't have the space for her then.... I'd be happy to pay in bells, items, tbt or hybrids for her.
LF: Katt, Ruby, and Rod! Katt is my top dreamie out of those but I'll be really happy to get the others, too. I can pay in TBT bells, or you can give me a bit to sell those tbt bells for in game bells. I can also see if I have anything on your wishlist! :>
Looking desperatley for Diana!! I can pay up to 14 million bells.

My daughter has Diana but I don't think she'd be willing to part with her as she says she's her favourite but I can ask for you as she's 6 and her mind changes a lot :S

- - - Post Merge - - -

Looking desperatley for Diana!! I can pay up to 14 million bells.

My daughter has Diana but I don't think she'd be willing to part with her as she says she's her favourite but I can ask for you as she's 6 and her mind changes a lot :S

Myself, I am really looking for Elise!!! She is the last dreamie I need that I cannot get my hands on :(
Looking for my Dreamiiiiiiies :)
I have Maple , Freya, Annalise , bells , hybrids...

(i am looking for erik also)
Bonbon is moving from one of my towns on the 4th, if anyone is interested.
I also have Celia moving out tomorrow.
I have Nibbles moving out~ Want her to out fast and she is free! PM me if you interested~
My nephew is looking for Francine, because he has Chrissy and wants to have both of them in his town! I can offer bells, the 7-11 set, newsprint helmet, throwing beans, toy hammer, almost full sloppy and cardboard set, sweets set, gorgeous set or princess set!

also looking for any of my dreamies but right now Francine :)
Looking for Eunice the normal sheep and Gala the pig!! Please pm me if you have them and we can discuss the payment =D
Alli the snooty alligator just told me that she wanted to leave. So if someone's interested, I'll give her for free ~ *though, I need a free "slot" as soon as possible, so I won't wait that long for a possible answer*
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Thanks to the wonderful people on this website, the only dreamie I am looking for is the Cranky Eagle Avery! I can offer you the Princess set, up to 3mil bells, Broccolo or Frita! Please PM me if you are interested, or want to haggle!
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