(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I have these villagers I wish to trade in my town:
Apple the Peppy Hamster
Purrl the Snooty Cat
Peewee the Cranky Gorilla
and Sheldon the Jock Squirrel

If you'd like to reserve any of these villagers then please PM me! I'm looking for dreamies mostly but I'll consider other offers.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have these villagers I wish to trade in my town:
Apple the Peppy Hamster
Purrl the Snooty Cat
Peewee the Cranky Gorilla
and Sheldon the Jock Squirrel

If you'd like to reserve any of these villagers then please PM me! I'm looking for dreamies mostly but I'll consider other offers.
plot resetting + TTing to make a villager move out as I'm full now, but ;

Looking for Felicity ~
I'm looking for Marshal, Merengue, Flurry, Fauna, and Apple. Please contact me if they are moving out of your town! uwu
looking for yuka, paula, and erik!

Looking for Mitzi, Rosie, Kiki, Erik, Bob, or Moe! Name your price and I will match it!

Send me a message!

Weeeee thanks!

Looking for Chester, Erik or Mac. ^ ^

LF Erik. He is my last dreamie and my town just isn't complete without him! I can offer lots of bells (would go up to 10 mill) and other items - please send me a PM if you have him available!

Hi everyone, I'm offering an original (I'm fairly sure) Erik over here! -> http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?176205-Erik-the-lazy-moose-deer-reindeer
desperately seeking fuchsia ;A;
if you have her i can offer bells or maybe items or sets - i have to see what i have.
Thinking about making Pietro move out. I really like him but his house is really on the way - If anyone interested, contact me.
Okay then, when I was just talking about it...Pietro pinged and told me that he wanted to leave. So.
I'm paying 30 million bells for Marshal and 20 million for Drago. PM me if you are interested.
I've been searching for Nate, please contact me if you have him moving out! :)
GOT FREE SPACE TODAY!! ((patty moved yesterday =3 and I can visit my cycle town real quick to clear my villager wifi pool))
Looking for Kabuki or Original Stitches((ok if shirt, catchphrase, or greeting has changed))

I'd be willing to pay.
I don't do villager trades, sorry.
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