(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Nvm. Looking for Felicity or Chrissy -

EDIT: not anymore for Chrissy, thank you Andelsky
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looking for francine! willing to offer 1 million bells, the 7-11 set, golden tools, items from the sloppy and cardboard set, a toy hammer, korean dlc, japanese dlc [hagoita, hibiscus], and gracie sets!
Looking for Mitzi, Rosie, Kiki, Erik, Bob, or Moe! Name your price and I will match it!

Send me a message!

Weeeee thanks!
LF Erik! Can offer lots and lots of bells, name your price, or if you want unorderables/hybrids/ anything give me a PM and I'll see what I can do! ^_^
My town is called Plump and it consists of Chicken Villagers. I'm quite close to having them all in my town, but I would greatly appreciate some help. I intend to befriend all the chickens and get their pictures, so rest assured that you're departed chicken friend will be very happy in my town.

I'm looking for Goose, Knox, and Broffina. If you have any of these 3, please don't hesitate to PM me. I am willing to offer bells if thats what you'd like, or if you want anything specific let me know and i'll see what I can do. If you want to get rid of them, then I'll also happily take them out of your town. thanks!
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