(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Olivia! Will pay decent amount of bells--she's one of my last dreamies. QQ (Please PM me if interested, thank you!)
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Looking for anyone in my signature that I don't have yet besides olivia
I REALLY DESPERATELY NEED DIANA ;-; I have three weeks to find her, I won a competition c:
any buyout under 30mil is fine
(yes i know it says dreamie obtained in sig but thats so i wont have to hassle my siggy maker XD)
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Looking for Fang. I have Tia moving soon, but if you don't want her, I'd be willing to buy him too ^^ You'd just have to wait so I can give Tia to someone else.
Still looking for Olivia, will offer 2mil bells for her as she is one of my last dreamies! Originality is not an issue to me. c:
Again, please pm me if you are interested, thank you!
LF: Rosie, Pinkie, Maple, Felicity or Opal

- - - Post Merge - - -

Looking for Lyman, can pay :) Please PM if you have him and can get him out, don't care how original

I see in your signature ( i think) picture of dreamies. I have Genji and His picture! Do you want? Give me a price.
Looking for Roald or Hamlet

Looking for Hamlet the Hamster or Roald the Penguin
Paying 15 Million Bells! PM me if you do. :D
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