(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Kitt, Marshal, and Wolfgang. I'm kinda desperate for Kitt, as I let her go in return for Pietro, and I'm beginning to regret it.
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Looking for Shep! I don't have a lot of bells anymore nor do I have any villagers to trade but I do have a lot of hybrids :)
I'm looking for - Bud or Simon - and I'm willing to pay 1 million for either!

I currently have one space in my town. Hopefully someone reads this and helps me out! :D

I need another Uchi villager for my town, so I'm seeking either Tammy or Deirdre (preferably the latter). c: I can offer bells.

I am also still seeking Melba just in case my current trade for her falls through, bonus points if she is already in
boxes or has atleast pinged to move. She's one of my last dreamies so I can offer up to 2 mil bells for her!​
Looking for:

Sally the normal squirrel
Maple the normal bear cub
Tia the normal elephant
Lopez the smug deer

Only 95 - 100 % original, please.
Looking for Muffy, Whitney and Kid Cat, in that order!
They don't have to be original and I'm willing to play tons of ig bells!
I need another Uchi villager for my town, so I'm seeking either Tammy or Deirdre (preferably the latter). c: I can offer bells.

I am also still seeking Melba just in case my current trade for her falls through, bonus points if she is already in
boxes or has atleast pinged to move. She's one of my last dreamies so I can offer up to 2 mil bells for her!​
Looking for:
Sally the normal squirrel
Maple the normal bear cub

Only 95 - 100% original
I'm looking for another Uchi in my main town. I'd like Deirdre, Phoebe, Pashmina, Muffy, or Agnes. I can give you bells, hybrids, or DLC for them. Please PM me if you have any of these looking for a new home!
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