(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Desperately seeking Cookie, wendy she accidentally tt'd to boxes while making space so Cookie or Cheri ASAP now that this happened and her back another town but if get Cookie in can cycle new town for her also Looking for Wendy to place elsewhere now ASAP.
desperately needing my dreamies in the list below !

MARINA, Rosie, Chrissy! <3 PM ME ASAP <33
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Still looking for this hawt horse. Had someone offer me through their cycling town but they go on when I'm asleep /:
Hey everyone! I'm looking for Curlos the Smug Sheep for my brother-in-law's town. If anyone has him please let me know what price you are looking to get for him.
Okay, I have a less usual request:

I'm looking for Peggy, but I cannot take her yet, so she cannot be moving.

If you have Peggy and are willing to let me have her, [once I have an open space] visitor message me on my profile page and we can talk deals. :]
I need marina or chrissy! going to work in a couple hours. pm me!! ><
Looking for the following, separated by villager type and in order of most to least wanted:

[Jock] Antonio
[Peppy] Ruby, Flora, Anabelle, Pango
[Smug] Zell, Lopez
[Lazy] Bones
[Cranky] Elvis
[Snooty] Freya, Whitney, Annalise
[Uchi] Agnes, Muffy

Please let me know if you've got any of them and what you're looking for!
Marina & Chrissy & Rosie! ~ one spot open <3 going to work and will be back on around 11pm and it's 3;20pm now <3 pm me please
Still looking for Penelope!
I can pay 5 mil for her, or trade my Marshal, Lolly, Bam, Fauna, Zucker, Phoebe, or Lopez :blush:
I have pekoe in boxes, dont know if anyone wants to adopt her.
I'd like to trade her for any cute looking villager.
But if not, I'll just let her go for free.
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