(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Can TT Tangy into boxes. She's 98% original with her chair and gyroid replaced with shirts.
TF: Diana, Beau or Aurora!
(don't have to be original :3)
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looking for bunnie ^-^ i can offer bob, or bells/your wishlist~
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I figure I'll give this a try! I'm currently looking for Papi the Lazy Horse. If anyone is giving him away I would love that, but I can offer Celia the eagle (I would need time to cycle her out, but it shouldn't take too long), about a million in bells, and I have a small amount of hybrid flowers (I don't have any roses yet though, sorry :c).

I am looking for my 5 last dreamies, Bonbon, Flurry, Poppy, Nate and Kyle! Please message me if you have them or know someone that has them!
Trading Julian for Pashmina! He's agreed to move, so I can have him out whenever.

EDIT: Found a home for Julian!
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I've been searching for Sydney the Koala for a long time. The last few times she got promised to me, the adoption fell through. T_T
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