Hi! I am looking for my last two villagers, Hans and Melba, to complete my town!
Looking for Tia incase something goes wrong with my trade. I can pay btb for her or igb
disregard got her earlier from a friend c:
as of today I am looking for the following villagers:
Kody/Mott/Rowan - if I get one of these I won't be needing the other two.
I really want those jocks right now but in the future I'm wanting Clay so if anyone has him NOW I'll take him now and just get a jock later.
LF: Francine and Chrissy. Im willing to give a very large amount of bells you name it, or an original pietro
If anyone does want pietro and i cant find anyone with francine or chrissy let me know and ill hit you up if i cant find anyone with them.
I can give you Francine! i'm in need of bells