(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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PM me if you have Apple; can pay over 5 million for her ;w;
(In TBT or in game bells)
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I'm selling Pietro. He's in boxes today so all ready to go. He's not original, as he's wearing a different shirt and some of his furniture has changed.
Looking for any of these: Alfonso, Bob, Pudge, Benjamin, Pate, Dizzy, Annalise, Elmer, Papi, Queenie, Sally, Mint or Nibbles (among others)
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Looking for Agnes the Uchi Pig!~

Got her! Dreamies obtained!!~ <33
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My Ankha is in boxes and I'm looking for MERENGUE, STITCHES OR FAUNA. Please message me, her shirt is not orignal and her house is missing one torch, but other things are all original :3
Still looking for Nana the normal monkey. I could offer in-game bells or TBT bells.
Please send me a PM or VM if you are interested :)
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i'm looking for teddy :) i can offer bells (name a price) or possibly your wishlist items~
I'm looking for Eugene! Please, if anyone doesn't want him, I would be more than happy to take him c;
Also looking for any of my dream villagers (except Frita, I have her), but Eugene is my strongest wish.
LF: DREAMIES - Stitches, Lily, Skye, Papi, Beau, Diana.

I'm looking for my following dreamies:
Stitches, Lily, Skye, Papi, Beau, Diana.
Thank you so much! ^_^
Hi, looking for Chops and Elvis, either give them for free if you want or maybe sell them to me.

Thanks and help is appreciated.
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