Shhhhh!!!! You're not supposed to say that out loud...
I mean of course not! ~ /(^_^")
Ahahah, just kidding! But for real, I was just surprised that I actually got one right! I'm really bad at the guessing tasks, I got out on my first try of Task #31 and I pretty much failed all the other ones too !! XD Whoops ~
But woahh, boss guessing skills!!! That's crazy!! ☆.☆
AND you have the most tickets!! > .> sure you don't have someone on the inside helping you out?? Hmmm..
Just kidding, but that is really awesome!
It reminds me of when I was in Discrete Math my Senior year of HS and we did this probability test where we wrote on a piece of paper 1 - 10 and had to randomly put A, B, C or D for each one. Then after we all did so, our teacher randomly wrote her's onto the white board. I ended up putting down 8/10 of the ones she put (in the correct order, 1 being B, 2 being D, etc) and then we had to calculate our probability of getting however many we got the same as her and it ended up mine was like .00007% and I was like having a mini heart attack from it xD
Yay for random boring math fact about me, lol
![]() #36 Post a sentence in a language other than English! It can be in any language other than English and it can be any sentence. TICKETS (after completion): 1 EXPIRATION: 07/21/15 @ 5:30PM CDT (click here for time conversion) |
task 36
Buenos dias mi amor
You guys are indecent.task #36
huehuehue this is my moment to shine! XD
Ich hoffe, ihr habt alle Spa? dabei, die Aufgaben zu ?berw?ltigen! Au?erdem habe ich gerade herausgefunden, dass "giveaway" in Deutsch als "Werbegeschenk" ?bersetzt wird, was soviel wie "advertising gift" bedeutet. Also ist "The Art Games" ein Werbegeschenk? XD
Ich mache mir ein wenig Sorgen, dass viele entt?uscht sein werden, wenn die Preise eingel?st werden, weil nicht jeder das bekommen kann, was er will, aber ich denke, dass man einfach dankbar daf?r sein sollte, ?berhaupt etwas zu bekommen und sich einfach dar?ber freuen. Meiner Meinung nach ist "The Art Games" etwas ganz Besonderes, das zeigt, dass TBT eine gute Community hat! Das hat die Community allein aufgestellt und darauf k?nnen wir stolz sein ;D
Und ganz nebenbei: One Piece ♥♥♥
note: the moment you realized you mix english with german together DX
so I just insulted you all LOL
no just kidding of course
I'm sure nobody has an idea what I just wrote '-'
seriously, german sounds soo serious and boring compared to everything else...
well let's have fun for the last few days of the Art Games! LET'S END THIS FLASHILYYY![]()
You guys are indecent.
It had to be said.
Good morning.
Also 我饿死了。
I'm having fun :3
And TBT def is a great community ^^ It's nice that all of you are contributors to the greatness!![]()