• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Club Tortimer Warning


Let's play a game.
Oct 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
It has come to my attention that there’s been a hacker (more advanced than me) that has been going to the island dressed as me and allegedly corrupting other’s save data.

This is a picture of them. They cloned my Mitch save file multiple times and have multiple backup saves. They're able to copy and clone anyone's entire save file that they meet on the island, and they can allegedly corrupt your save data.

I’m not bothered by the fact that someone is copying me, but what I am bothered by is someone using my name to harm other people’s games. In my 5+ years of trolling on Club Tortimer (few of you might remember), never have I ever wanted to do anything detrimental and malicious to someone’s save data, and I never will. My hacking only stops you from leaving the island so you have to error off the island; you may lose what you got on the island, but you're still able to play the game properly to regain those items, and you certainly have your save files in tact.

I’ve also always done my best to keep my trolling life and my TBT life separate; I don’t even use the same town files for the two. You need only look through my Wi-Fi/Trade Rating page to see that I take my time in this community very seriously and don’t ever intend to integrate my trolling here. I have nothing but upmost respect for this community and I wouldn’t do anything to harm it or it’s members.

I don’t know what the odds of running into this troll are and I’m no Magic 8 Ball, but just be careful when you go to the island. The hacker only has the one 1920s custom gangster outfit of mine so differentiating me from the troll will be easy. Their TPC has a NSFW message (which really bugged me because I've never really done anything like that on my TPC and never will :/) so again, there's that as another way to differentiate. I’m sorry to anyone that gets their save data destroyed because of this.

I won’t be able to answer anything today, since I’m having a cookout with my family today. If there’s anything important that you need to ask me (that I haven’t already answered), then I’ll answer it tomorrow after the direct. Otherwise, I’m not going to answer many questions, as to only bring enough attention to this situation to warn you all.

Messages detailing this can be found here on my blog: https://smadaycats.tumblr.com

Stay safe, please.
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Good thing that I never cared for Club Tortimer that much.

Anyway, thanks for the warning.
So, it's OK if you're an (expletive) to anybody you want to annoy but, when the tables are turned, your crocodile tears flow. I hope the troll rips you to shreds!
Thanks for letting us know! I?ve only been on there a couple times to try and find some giant-clam shells, and overall I?ve found some really rude people on there and generally have avoided it. They are nowhere near as nice as the people on here. I?m going to be avoiding club tortimer from now on for a little while! Do you think there?d any way to report them through the game if we happen to run into them?
I mean thanks for the warning.. but can't say I condone any type of trolling. Even if you don't do it to members here, those are still players who spent their time catching those bugs or whatever else, and when you force them to quit, you basically waste potentially hours of work and time is very valuable. So can't say I see you as the good guy either. It sucks that people like you and this hacker copying you ruin the game for others, so much so that people don't like using Club Tortimer, even though it is so much fun with the right people. But the few bad apples just taint the whole experience :(
Everyone's in the CFW gang by now. Really easy to properly hack 3DS systems these days.

yeah i have cfw and ntr in-game cheats and i still don't know how to do something this crazy... this guy is probably some 40-something year old who doesn't have anything better to do. i avoid club tortimer for people like this.

it was fun in the beginning but now that everybody and anybody can hack, online play isn't as fun. it's way harder to hack your switch so i hop enintendo can work around in-game cheats.

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I mean thanks for the warning.. but can't say I condone any type of trolling. Even if you don't do it to members here, those are still players who spent their time catching those bugs or whatever else, and when you force them to quit, you basically waste potentially hours of work and time is very valuable. So can't say I see you as the good guy either. It sucks that people like you and this hacker copying you ruin the game for others, so much so that people don't like using Club Tortimer, even though it is so much fun with the right people. But the few bad apples just taint the whole experience :(

agreed. i think hacking to troll someone else ruins an experience no matter how small. if you want to hack in your own town, go for it, but leave me alone lol
Everyone's in the CFW gang by now. Really easy to properly hack 3DS systems these days.

I don't know what that is unless it requires buying an eshop game first.

Worst I've seen is exiting the island hut to see it half buried, and people pulling trees and rocks out of their pockets. Then of course the spamming non-Shrunk emotes to prevent leaving.
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I mean thanks for the warning.. but can't say I condone any type of trolling. Even if you don't do it to members here, those are still players who spent their time catching those bugs or whatever else, and when you force them to quit, you basically waste potentially hours of work and time is very valuable. So can't say I see you as the good guy either. It sucks that people like you and this hacker copying you ruin the game for others, so much so that people don't like using Club Tortimer, even though it is so much fun with the right people. But the few bad apples just taint the whole experience :(

I agree with this. I'm still new to Animal Crossing and on my second trip to Club Tortimer someone did that to me. I was confused and upset because, at the time, I didn't know the game could be hacked and didn't know what was happening. I'm disabled and don't get out much and I was looking forward to being able to interact with others and have fun. The experience was very upsetting. Fortunately, I chatted with some people in other groups and found out what happened. I decided to try again and have had some very fun experiences with nice people, but I'm more cautious now.

If someone wants to hack in their own town and their own game, go for it, but it's not okay to ruin the experience for someone else you don't even know. You have no idea what kind of impact you may have on someone else by doing that. Also, the items may be gotten again some other time, but you can't get back the wasted time.
You know, just having a slight experience where I've had hacks against me is very discomforting. But to corrupt someone's file is just going too far man! My sister experienced an unpleasant time at club tortimer too one time. Thank goodness not much people go there anymore, but may a hacker have mercy if you ever bump into them.
So, it's OK if you're an (expletive) to anybody you want to annoy but, when the tables are turned, your crocodile tears flow. I hope the troll rips you to shreds!

lol no, I have many save backups as well; I'm not stupid. You can save your insults and get over my harmless trolling.

Do you think there’s any way to report them through the game if we happen to run into them?

There's no way to report them.
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lol tbh you sound like a real annoying player and more of a reason to stay off club tortimer than anything

if it could happen to anyone its funny its happening to you, a proud 5+ year long time "troller" as you claim. o well!
Can you report them to the FBI? This is a serious offense. Not only he’s a hacker that would corrupt save data, but the screenshot you took contains a death threat. I take all death threats extremely seriously.

My only thing is what would you say and what useful info would you be able to give them? It's not like they'd give you enough time to find them. And I don't take this specific threat that seriously; they don't even know who I am lol. The best you'll be able to do, if you can, is block them and leave the island.

And just as a general statement, the chances of running into this person are low, so there's really nothing to worry about.
I'm scared of club tortimer tbh
I don't care if people hack as long as they are not being malicious but it's not even worth the risk of visiting for me
[FONT=&]In my 5+ years of trolling on Club Tortimer (few of you might remember), never have I ever wanted to do anything detrimental and malicious to someone?s save data, and I never will. My hacking only stops you from leaving the island so you have to error off the island; you may lose what you got on the island, but you're still able to play the game properly to regain those items, and you certainly have your save files in tact.[/FONT]

Ok but why do this at all tho lmao ?
People like you and your little doppelganger are the reason loads of people avoid Club Tortimer