coffee or tea?

tea or coffee?

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Tea is nice and calming, camomile tea can help with sleep that's why I really prefer tea.
throwback to when I tried to learn to drink coffee by taking an espresso like a shot. Do not recommend doing that.

I don't drink either coffee nor tea. Maybe I should learn but eeh, I'm fine for now
Why not both? I drink tea mostly everyday and I really like coffee but the french press is really annoying to clean. I also like ice coffee a lot more so I have to make the coffee the day before if I want it
Both are good. I love a cold brew but also don't mind a hibiscus tea.
I’m more of a hot chocolate person when it comes to warm drinks but I do enjoy tea as well! I’m not as into coffee (i find it doesn’t wake me up anyways) but if it’s sweet like a French vanilla I’ll have that sometimes!
Coffee all the way!!! Preferably iced coffee because I'm not a fan of hot drinks.

I find that with hot drinks, there's only a certain time when the drink is the perfect temperature and then you have to chug it before it gets cold. I don't like this.

With Iced drinks, you can take as long as you'd like to enjoy it. I loooove it♥️

Ooh also another thing, the iced coffee needs to be strong. I hate when there's too much cream in it it's disgusting.

Yeah that's pretty much it lol
Coffee! I grew up drinking coffee. There was always hot coffee at home. By the time I was a working adult, I was downing 6 cups a day. I think I had more coffee in my veins than blood.

In my 30s, an ice-blended coffee was a good friend on hot days. A delicious treat.

In my 40s, I fell in love with espresso. Or straight up coffee, no sugar or milk.

In my 50s, because of heartburn, I had to stop drinking coffee as much as I liked. I had to limit myself to one coffee a week. That made me sad. I supplemented by drinking tea. I was never a tea drinker, but I've since learned to love ginger tea. Any flavour permutation of tea with ginger/lemon/lemongrass/mint is fine with me.

The best coffee I've ever had was in France. It has been 28 years since, but I still reminisce about the holiday and I vividly recall how I looked forward to waking up in the morning because of breakfast. Freshly brewed coffee in a bowl-sized cup and freshly baked croissant. Simple, and simply satisfying. 🤤
Coffee has my heart 🥰

I always look forward to my daily cup of coffee! I've never liked tea, the only tea I can actually drink is lemon, every other kind tastes too bitter and herb-y whilst the lemon is kinda refreshing.

I'm more of a fan of rich-tasting things like dark chocolate, which I think is why I love coffee so much. Tea's too light for me.
I mean both.. but when made right coffee definitely has a superior flavor to any tea I've had. Plus the energy it gives me makes me a lot more productive.
i used to drink soo much coffee, but i can’t handle it anymore, my tastebuds have developed an aversion 🙃 i do like tea though !
Definitely tea! Unfortunately coffee makes me feel super jittery, but I do enjoy cappuccinos every once in a while. 😄