collectible tier list ★ (now closed)

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I love that people have created custom bump images/content to push threads to the top.

Here's my not-custom not-original thread bump.
Is the order listed an indicative of where in the range that collectible is? I'm asking because some of the ranges are huge, for example Tier 5 - 600 TBT - 1.5k TBT
Is the order listed an indicative of where in the range that collectible is? I'm asking because some of the ranges are huge, for example Tier 5 - 600 TBT - 1.5k TBT

I believe it’s ordered so that the collectables at the top of the line underneath the range are on the more expensive side of that spectrum and the one at the bottom at the lower side. So the collectable at the top of tier 5 would be closer to being worth approx 1.5k tbt and the one at the bottom 600 tbt. However this tier list is merely a guide so it can vary depending on the buyer and seller ofc.
Is the order listed an indicative of where in the range that collectible is? I'm asking because some of the ranges are huge, for example Tier 5 - 600 TBT - 1.5k TBT
The higher they are on the list (closest to the top) the more they are worth at the higher end of the ranges
defo feel like dreamy and nightmare can go up, thanks for all the bumps guys
recently bought:

- lump of coal: 100 tbt
- famous mushroom: 200 tbt
- easter egg: 300tbt

which is all under their placements vertically on the charts. wondering if other people have had the same experience/not able to sell them at higher
came searching for this thread to see how much a galaxy eggo goes these days 😵

and my tbt saving really begins!

also thanks for the compilation list! 💜
should the strange doll really stay at the bottom of tier 2? I know not many have sold recently but it seems like when people go to sell them they always ask for about 10k.
it is actually meant to be higher :eek: it's best to go to null's link at the top of the thread, i will move it up just now tho. up for discussion if it should be higher than that tho of course!!!!
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i do think it's fine under galaxy tho bc those r like insanely rare and sought after atm tho i think
oh whoops i didnt even notice strange doll there either
i moved both it and galaxy up to be with disco since i think a few dolls did sell for 10k recently!
(Is the christmas gold candy really that low? 👀 I feel like there are so few going around 😅 I bought mine for 900 I believe and quite a few cherries)
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