tessa grace
hOW DaRe yOu MaKE mE dECiDeWell Umm… *COUGH* no elim locked *COUGH*
hOW DaRe yOu MaKE mE dECiDeWell Umm… *COUGH* no elim locked *COUGH*
Oh yes I'm awareY’all do know that the game is still going, riiiiiiight?
"My gut is telling me the goon is Geoni. He'd be comfortable enough to sac his roleblocker d1, he's been a non-presence in the thread so no one has even looked into him that much, and - after most people were thinking that Sheep and I were equally pretty towny for our late votes on a confirmed wolf - he'd be savvy enough to pick the person who DIDN'T leave a legacy reads-list in the thread for the NK. " - me immediately after being NKed
I need to just never talk to anyone ever in mafia because my gut is always right and talking with people makes me waver. *glares at Betsy and droqen for dragging me down the Sheep tunnel in spec chat*
GG Geoni. You got lucky d2 happened the way it did because I sussed you a bit and was going to post about it later Sunday evening but as we all know that didn't happen
Geoni the silver tongue devil
Well I can share the pm but you’ll have to request it first, if you want to read it. It’s actually just his role pm turned night action submission form.
*glares at Betsy and droqen for dragging me down the Sheep tunnel in spec chat*![]()
Droqen, if you are town I'm going to chase you around with a spray bottle after the game and spritz you like a house plant until you learn to not act so suspicious in my eyes.
Not gonna lie I think town deserved e win this one.
I can gather the PMs later and compile them if you want it was more or less split between a very short lived group PM on the forums and me rambling at b100 out of loneliness in PMs for the rest of the game.
This isn't going to help disprove Bianca's meta point about me being in F3 one bit.![]()
I would assume so why would she not be.
I think technically if I don't vote I'd be modkilled since I didn't vote yesterday if I'm thrown in F3 for being wrong I would die for breaking the activity rule, a win for everyone XD
Oh this one Betsy? Such an NAI post imo! Because what I meant when I said that is that mafia is hell and if my modkill happened because I didn't vote the game would have been over and none of us had to continue suffering.