
the coronavirus is pretty scary in concept, but from what I know about it so far, it seems like if the average healthy person got it they would be able to overcome it like the flu, and it is only "dangerous" in young kids and people (usually older people) with underdeveloped or poor immune systems.

that being said, im not worried about myself, but I do worry about my mom who is getting older and has fibromyalgia, and therefore a pretty "bad" immune system. im also living with her right now, so I am extra paranoid about what germs I bring into our house for her sake.
Elon musk said it was dumb I guess we can all get over it now.
the tissue aisle in almost every single supermarket in my city is empty.

people be stacking up on resources like it's a zombie invasion or something.

but i definitely do agree that this is a serious issue and i hope that most of it goes down before the winter, because then it'd be difficult to distinguish between the flu and coronavirus symptoms.
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Global motality due to this corona is 3,400+. (At the point of March 7th)
Fatalities due to getting attacked by hippo in Africa is 3,000+ every year.
Of course I think it?s a threat, but many people are severely overreacting. My college is closed tomorrow, and they cancelled all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the quarter despite there being no cases of it on campus.
Also, like others have said, sanitary products are sold out everywhere. People should already be using these products more often, anyway, but I?m sure the CEOs of these companies are thrilled.
At my university (Austria/tyrol) there are a few infected with covid19! A friend of mine isn't allowed to go outside because the infected student was in the same course with her. We are also close to italy and have many students from there so yeah... we got a mail that we shouldn't attent university if we cough or have a sore throat xD Many people are soooo scared and the university should be closed for at least 14 days. I study the same as the covid19 infected and there are always the same students... so yeah ^^
I'm not particularly worried about this. I'm not elderly and I don't have a compromised immune system. If I were to get this, it would probably be like getting the flu. I've had the flu once ever in my life and of course I felt terrible then. It sucks to have a fever and all of that. But I got over and and I feel like I would get over this just fine too.

I'd be more worried about my mother in law if she got it. Not only is she in her 60s, but she is now a widow (therefore no one at home to take care of her) and she also has had cancer in the past. I don't know if having gone through chemo over 10 years ago means her immune system is still not as good.
There was a discussion on TV today about the spread of the virus. They were also talking about how most people don't do enough to wash their hands. I think that's a really good place for us all to start with (and should be something we do anyway), making sure we're informed about proper hand washing techniques.

It has spooked me a little for sure but as some people have said I'm even more worried about spreading it to my family members who might be more vulnerable to this disease than I am. I think that's feeding into whatever paranoia I have more than anything else, that if I end up getting the virus I could be putting my loved ones at risk.

I'm in Ireland by the way, they were saying on the news that 50-60% of the population could become infected. I think they're just hoping that number will be spread out so the health system isn't overwhelmed.
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went to the mall today and it was EMPTY. lol people are freaking out.
what disgusts me the most about this virus is the blatant racism against asian people in people's reactions. people now think at all asians have corona and should be avoided; some have even assaulted asians for even coughing. all of this is horrible and idiotic. the physical assaults are especially stupid as why would you actively seek physical contact with someone you think has a contagious disease???
I just realized that the Corona might be worse for me than for other young people because my respiratory tract is way more sensitive than that of most people. I had huge problems with the air pollution in China and I could absolutely not breathe in a building (in Austria) which had bad/no air circulation. Meanwhile other people seemed to have no problem at all. After being in this building for a few minutes I almost had to throw up and my whole respiratory tract felt strained for hours...
Currently my state is under a state of emergency and the virus is spreading to different parts quick lol. It's not long before they close schools at this point.
Some family in my county was quarantined and they went out numerous times in public despite the county warning them not too. Potentially infecting hundreds...

St. Louis if you all want to do the google :(
Normally I love my job but with all this Corona virus panic it's starting to freak me out.

I transport lab work from hospital to hospital quite often and I always take care to sanitize my hands and such. But I've now delivered two different labs over the last week that read "Warning. Suspect Corona" to the one hospital in the area doing all the testing and I...cannot...get my hands...clean enough.

I'm not even any kind of germaphobe. But with constant articles on news sites and panic induced hysteria, it's getting to me.
I was running out of toilet paper in my house and let me tell you... finding some **decent** toilet paper was a freaking nightmare!!!
Also, the policy at my university is that if 1 person here is diagnosed with Coronavirus then the entire university will shut down. It?s already in all of the nearby counties so it?s only a matter of time.
I live in Italy. Before last night, there were certain quarantined regions and provinces one couldn't get out from or get in, but yesterday evening our government declared the whole country a "red zone", meaning we can't get out of our houses/towns unless it's an absolute necessity (jobs and medical needs, mostly). Unis have been closed since the end of February, as well as regular schools, and won't open before April 3rd. I can't get out of my small town and although it IS very annoying, I realize why it must be done. I just hope this will all be over soon.
And here I was hoping to finally travel to Italy.
Meanwhile my whole country's economy is in shambles. Which means increased prices and no hopes of buying the thing I've been saving money for.

This years is already worse than 2019.
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