
Great, just got the news that in our town, there is also a person with this ******** virus now. The whole time, there was nothing and now this. I can't hear and see this damn Corona madness anymore, there is not one day without any bad news about it.
Yeah, it's only getting started and hard to tell how bad it will get in specific places. I heard somewhere that hot weather is bad for the virus so hopefully warmer spring weather will help dampen it a little? Seriously though, don't quote me on that...
If anything the warmer weather will decrease the amount of the usual common flu and pneumonia etc patients in hospitals, opening up more beds for those who might catch the virus and are in critical health. In turn, making quarantining and helping the worst cases back to health easier, as opposed to having to send them home where their families are and such for self quarantine (where it might continue to spread).
I heard somewhere that hot weather is bad for the virus so hopefully warmer spring weather will help dampen it a little?
It will probably be back in September, worse than ever.
Guys take it seriously! I know it seems distant and that "young people won't even feel it" but it can take just a few days to change the situation drastically. Stay home unless necessary, play Animal Crossing online with your friends, but don't go out to "have fun" if they close your school. If schools are closed there's a reason!
(My post mostly applies to those in the US).

I've been following updates about this virus since late January, and too many people seem to be underestimating the impact it can have if it gets to the point where multiple states are enacting quarantines. The global supply chain is already being disrupted (the FDA has a list of drug shortages on their website and the United States gets a lot of generic drugs from other countries).

Even if you're not worried about what happens if you get sick, you do need to be worried about if your community gets sick. People like me in the service industry don't have the luxury of working remotely or cashing in a bunch of sick/vacation time if we can't go to work. I already have co-workers that come to work with fevers and colds. My state only just recently got authorization or whatever to test people, so we could have cases that have been going unreported for a while. I suggest stocking up on nonperishable foods and basic first aid in case it gets to the point where going shopping puts you (or others!) at risk. It's better to be safe than sorry, and if you buy foods you will actually eat it won't be a waste like the people buying entire carts of toilet paper lol
I?m an outreach and volunteer coordinator for a non-profit and i am noticing that many events are being cancelled left and right. My job is literally going out into the community so I?m currently trying to figure out how to 1.) do my job and 2.) allow my student volunteers to get their ?community? hours.

My supervisor is suggesting still sending them out into the community because they?re young and healthy. This really puts me off because I don?t know my students personal medical history but what I do know is that some disabilities/health complications can?t always be seen. Some of my volunteers may have families that are immunocompromised or may be immunocompromised themselves. My current plan is to not let them go to these huge events with the Coronavirus stuff not under control, I don?t feel comfortable with that and I doubt they feel comfortable going either.

So far, I?ve bought a few non perishable goods just to keep myself isolated if necessary. I have a weaker immune system and so does my partner so I?m tryin to do everything possible to prevent any exposure. I?m fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but those around me aren?t so fortunate. A lot of them have no more paid sick leave and just go to work sick because they can?t afford to take time off. This entire situation is just super unfortunate and I really feel for those who work in the service/retail industry.

Hoping that my university closes down soon so that students aren?t put at risk as well.
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I’m paranoid my surgery will get cancelled even tho it’s a private hospital... I keep thinking about the what ifs like if I get sick or my surgeon gets sick. I hate anxiety cause I’m not worried about the actual virus at all it’s just the actions of people and them panicking. Probably because I’m young and healthy so I know I’m not at risk
I just got word today that my sister's college and other colleges/universities in the US are closing early for the semester and the students will have to complete their courses online. This is an extremely sucky situation to be in as a student, on one hand I understand why they are doing this but on the other hand I would be so upset if I was still a student. As a biology major in a top liberal arts college, I relied on lab classes to give me necessary experience for my future career which is impossible to incorporate in online classes. Additionally the classes I took (genetics, cell biology, etc) were hard classes for me and because of that I spent a lot of time in office hours, tutoring, and working with fellow classmates to understand the material, and would have most certainty failed if it was only an online class. Similarly my sister is premed, and I don't know how she is going to be able to effectively complete the semester while meeting certain requirements. My heart really goes out to college students right now, especially the seniors.
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Probably because I’m young and healthy so I know I’m not at risk
I wouldn't say I'm young or healthy, I have someone as well who's been dosing medicines that make his immune system work less active due to his disease. But both of us (I and he) are never in panic while we know if it got either of us, it would go critical, he could die actually. We just make sure to do what it takes to lower the risk.
I feel like all these excessive reactions were product of how it was brought up in media, which just cause hysteria to people who aren't very used to/knowledgeable of virus or immunology in general. I feel so since I have yet to see any media giving a simple information that it usually doesn't affect much from taking some virus cells. Actually it keeps happening just that you don't know you have it in your body. It starts to affect/make you "infected" when the virus cells increases too much in your body that immune system squads are a bit short of of soldiers. It's not like you're infected once you touch the virus. It's called 暴露 (exposure?) different from being infected.. Unless it's specific type of viruses such as ebola, just taking some in is fine. When it's the ones like ebola, just a bit per 100 dl of your blood cause 97% of death (older people) or 60 or less %( young people), and corona in general does not fall under this group. Not knowing/being given these basic information but just hearing how many are infected in large number is just making mass hysteria, I feel so..
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First confirmed case in my town today :) Might start refusing to serve customers unless they're paying by card
Well now all the toilet paper and cleaning supplies are selling right out due to the coronavirus. I mean I remember when it was once the "bubonic plague in China" and now it's starting to effect our everyday lives. Not only that, the stock market fell a bit due to all the hype around it.
My college is moving to online classes until April 5 and not letting us come back to get our stuff until at least then (we went on spring break Friday) Kind of pissed :(
Soooo my university is closing starting tomorrow and going online until at least the 16th of April. o:
The company I work for is taking things pretty seriously. They had us all work from home Thursday and Friday to stress test the systems. I've heard rumors that they may be considering the possibility of us all working home for an extended period of time if the virus hits close to home. They also informed us today that anyone who doesn't feel well but still feels like they can work should be working from home, no questions asked. And if we're sick but don't feel like we can work, they're actually letting us take the time off paid without using up our regular paid time off because they know some people don't have enough time or are hesitant to use it in certain situations.
I think the hype is WAY too big.... I mean colleges closing? and k12 schools closing? When the outbreak isnt even.... big... like... they don't do this for the flu lmao. I blame the guy who went to that dance and got some kids sick despite being told he had it. blew the whole thing up and encouraged people to start closing schools/businesses as a "precaution"

My friend was living with her husband for the past few months who is stationed out in spain and she went to italy like.... in January I think? and recently got a cold when coming back to visit. Well. Because she was out of the country and went to Italy (Way before the whole 2wk incubation period mind you.) everyone/her parents convinced her to get checked because she coughed like.... one time literally. and now shes on quarantine for two weeks for a single cough because her doctor freaked out (mind you the infection prevention and what not for the state said she would be fine and not to worry about getting checked but her doctor was super adamant about it.)

It's stupid.

She literally just has a cold, which she gets EVERY time she flies, and its being blown way out of proportion lmao.
Like I have sinus issues going on because of the changing season but everyone seems to think me sniffling means i am infected when I can promise you I go through this every year at the same time lmao.
Owner of Nottingham Forest has it, now I hope I don't meet him. Also, they might shut school here, so that's cool I guess.