Currently Playing?

At the moment, I'm currently playing a game that isn't even considered mainstream for the sake of beating it. And that game is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the Nintendo GameCube.

Despite being loosely based on the book of the same name, the game plays a bit like 3D Zelda installments. I will admit that I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, but I feel it's actually an above average license-based game of its generation. It's still fun to explore the areas even if they are a bit constrained. Though, occasional camera problems, unpolished targeting system and overuse of (very easy) stealth sections are what prevented the game to become a true hidden gem. Thanks goodness the game is very forgiving, as dying isn't even painful at all and that you have a potion that will refill your health bar as soon as you run out of life.

For the record, I'm only on Day 1 of Hogwarts, already completed the Burrow, Diagon Alley and the fight against a huge living tree. From the looks of it, I'm about to have some lessons on how to fly with a broom.
The Wolf Among Us
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Rune Factory 4
Dragon Age II
I was playing Goat Sim last night, and even after watching me for 2 hours, my boyfriend has decided he needs to buy it.

That's some good advertizing. :v

Also actively progressing: Warlock 2, The Walking Dead: Season Two, and some Hatoful Boyfriend.
At the moment, I'm currently playing a game that isn't even considered mainstream for the sake of beating it. And that game is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the Nintendo GameCube.

Despite being loosely based on the book of the same name, the game plays a bit like 3D Zelda installments. I will admit that I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, but I feel it's actually an above average license-based game of its generation. It's still fun to explore the areas even if they are a bit constrained. Though, occasional camera problems, unpolished targeting system and overuse of (very easy) stealth sections are what prevented the game to become a true hidden gem. Thanks goodness the game is very forgiving, as dying isn't even painful at all and that you have a potion that will refill your health bar as soon as you run out of life.

For the record, I'm only on Day 1 of Hogwarts, already completed the Burrow, Diagon Alley and the fight against a huge living tree. From the looks of it, I'm about to have some lessons on how to fly with a broom.

I think I remember that game. But wow that feels like a long time ago.
I want that, the grotesque stuff is right up my alley :lemon:

Everlasting Summer.. I wanna finish one ending at least ;)

Oh I'm fine with the straight up gore and other grotesque stuff in the game so that's the least of my problem haha. It's situations like the scene with Buddy and Sticky that made me uncomfortable.
I see, then...

The Wolf Among Us. One chapter (5) to go. Can't bother to do all the fable entries unless I get really bored. But it's great, so do play it somewhere if you get the chance :)
Played some Smash U with Jav and Jeremy

Fludd, how I love thee.