Currently Playing?

Still playing Hyrule Warriors. I beat Legend Mode mostly. I still have to go back and replay all the levels on hard now to collect the hard skulltulas. But I have collected everything else.

I'm focusing on Adventure Mode now though.

Been playing the game completely with co-op and it's a ton of fun that way.
Super Mario 3d land on a new save file. I know i'll struggle once I get to the special 8 crown level again.
Just finished downloading Cave Story and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse so I'm looking forward to dive into those games.
Started playing Final Fantasy 7 and Submerged a couple days ago. I'm also 95% done LEGO Lord of the Rings. :D
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. I love the game but I just keep getting distracted with other stuff, ha ha.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Holy crap the intro to this game is incredible. I can't wait to play more.
Dragon Age: Inquisition. Still. 105~ hours in, and I've finished the main story and one of the three DLCs, The Descent. As much as I'm itching to get into something new at this point - I even 'promised' myself that I'd quit after the main story - but it threw a story-related curve ball at me and now I wanna do Trespasser, and I might as well do Jaws of Hakkon while I'm at it..

My decision to stick with DA:I and finish it up may also have something to do with the fact that I have no idea what I want to play next. I have so many things on my backlog that I really wanna get to, it's a bit overwhelming - I might hold a poll at this rate, lol.
BioShock. Occasionally Environmental Station Alpha. I'm not doing a True Reset on Undertale...would feel too bad about it!
Bouncing between Pok?mon Super Mystery Dungeon, Guild Wars 2, and Final Fantasy IX currently.
clicker heroes lol. and new leaf ofc lameo i know but i haven't been in the mood or time for more advanced sht