Currently Playing?

Currently playing Minecraft on survival after not playing since the Horse Update. Good lord has the game changed since I last played! :eek:
Just playing Tomodachi Life atm. Uploading some of my favorite in-game screenshots to Twitter.
Going through a 2nd run of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
I'm not focusing on any one game in particular, but I've been spreading my playing time around. Lately I've been playing a little Endless Ocean (Wii), Katamari Damacy Reroll (Switch), Worms WMD (Switch), Splatoon (Wii U), and Sonic Mania Plus (Switch).
Breath of the Wild. I'm 55 hours in and I've done so little of the main quest. I don't even like boss fights, I just want to explore the world and solve more shrines, the new Tomb Raider series gave me the same feeling.
I've gone back to give Breath of the Wild another go since I really didn't like it the first time through.

I'm not hating it near as much as I did last time, but I still don't think it's fantastic. Just another open world with samey stuff everywhere. It's neat that I can go and do pretty much what I want, but I still feel having everything you'll ever NEED from the start makes everything feel the same since everything outside of combat is balanced around you having what you started with. Nothing new and interesting happens when you're never getting any new permanent equipment for unique challenges to be designed around.

I think previous experience of knowing it's barely a Zelda game as I view it at all has lowered my expectations enough for it to be playable for me. I've not been playing games as much or for as long per session for a while either, so I guess that's helping preventing me from getting tired of it as I'll get a couple hours at a time every now and again rather than "all day every day".

7/10, enjoyable.

Probably going to start Horizon Zero Dawn soon too. I've always wanted to play this. In fact, it's literally THE game that made me buy a PS4, being on my Amazon wishlist like 2 years before it actually released...But I just never got around to it. Picked up the 'complete edition' last week though, so hopefully this will be the game to truly christen my new 55" TV (because really, Breath of the Wild starts to look a bit nasty when those low res textures are stretched across 55 inches. Shame the Switch doesn't have a bit of extra hardware in the dock so it looks as good docked as it does in handheld).

Saying that, Fire Emblem is out soon, so I imagine I'll probably move onto that next.

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 on Steam.
I'm going to finish up the main story today! Just a few missions left.

Pirate Warriors 4 will be out in 2020, yatta!!! :cool:

I never finished Pirate Warriors 3. I really liked it, but the Steam version would always crash when I tried to load the final level. After the sheer amount of time I spent trying to do as many of the challenges as I could along the way, I just didn't have the motivation to buy it on another platform and start again.

I had nothing but trouble with the Steam version. Took ages and a lot of fiddling to even get my controller working.

I look forward to Pirate Warriors 4, but I think I'll be skipping the Steam version.
Yaaay, I just got a DSi XL!!
I'll most likely start playing Dragon Quest IV soon.

Breath of the Wild. I'm 55 hours in and I've done so little of the main quest. I don't even like boss fights, I just want to explore the world and solve more shrines, the new Tomb Raider series gave me the same feeling.

Are boss fights too tedious for you? That's how I felt at first, but I started liking them a lot more. Especially when you have a bit more freedom in terms of equipment and etc.
The main quest is brilliant!!

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I've gone back to give Breath of the Wild another go since I really didn't like it the first time through.

I'm not hating it near as much as I did last time, but I still don't think it's fantastic. Just another open world with samey stuff everywhere. It's neat that I can go and do pretty much what I want, but I still feel having everything you'll ever NEED from the start makes everything feel the same since everything outside of combat is balanced around you having what you started with. Nothing new and interesting happens when you're never getting any new permanent equipment for unique challenges to be designed around.

I think previous experience of knowing it's barely a Zelda game as I view it at all has lowered my expectations enough for it to be playable for me. I've not been playing games as much or for as long per session for a while either, so I guess that's helping preventing me from getting tired of it as I'll get a couple hours at a time every now and again rather than "all day every day".

7/10, enjoyable.

Probably going to start Horizon Zero Dawn soon too. I've always wanted to play this. In fact, it's literally THE game that made me buy a PS4, being on my Amazon wishlist like 2 years before it actually released...But I just never got around to it. Picked up the 'complete edition' last week though, so hopefully this will be the game to truly christen my new 55" TV (because really, Breath of the Wild starts to look a bit nasty when those low res textures are stretched across 55 inches. Shame the Switch doesn't have a bit of extra hardware in the dock so it looks as good docked as it does in handheld).

Saying that, Fire Emblem is out soon, so I imagine I'll probably move onto that next.

I never finished Pirate Warriors 3. I really liked it, but the Steam version would always crash when I tried to load the final level. After the sheer amount of time I spent trying to do as many of the challenges as I could along the way, I just didn't have the motivation to buy it on another platform and start again.

I had nothing but trouble with the Steam version. Took ages and a lot of fiddling to even get my controller working.

I look forward to Pirate Warriors 4, but I think I'll be skipping the Steam version.

OMG, I had the same problem with Steam version!!! A_A It kept crashing on the final level and some events would not play out for whatever reason. The only reason why I got it on Steam is because I get dizzy with 30 frames per second and it's 30 fps on Switch (handheld mode, docked has 60fps).
But yeah, wait until Pirate Warriors 4 and I'm almost 100% positive that they will make it like this:
1) they'll update the overall graphics, but will keep the content for first arc up to Dressrosa (where PW 3 left off) untouched;
2) they'll redo Dressrosa and make it bigger;
3) after Dressrosa they will start introducing all of the new gameplay stuff like they waited until New World to show Luffy's new moves, Third Gear and etc..

So, basically they'll make us play old content anyways. xD But I don't mind this since it's pretty great. And the game is very short anyways - it took me about 8 hours to finish it on Easy.

I myself will probably get the Steam version of Pirate Warriors 4... but I'm not sure. I need 60 fps no matter what or I'll feel dizzy. If PS4 will have it, then I'll probably play on PS4. If Switch will have 60 (docked or handheld), then I'll go with Switch.

Koei Tecmo and overall Japanese developers are known for horrible PC ports, so that's just something we need to get used to. At least now they make PC ports, but way back in PS2-PS3 generation they would skip PC completely. Though, other companies are much better; it's just Koei Tecmo which is almost always troublesome. I love KT, though - their games are always my favorites!
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Been playing Splatoon 2 today. I've never played these games before, and though I don't have Switch Online atm I'm really enjoying the single-player mode.

Took me a bit to get used to the controls, and im not fond of the motion control. Playing with a pro controller with motion control off is just fine for me.
Started playing Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded on DSi. The game is amazing so far. : o Destroying cubes is kind of fun, I hope I'm not going to get addicted, haha. xD Got past the first boss.

Also ordered Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection, will start playing it as soon as it arrives!!
Yaaay, I just got a DSi XL!!
I'll most likely start playing Dragon Quest IV soon.

Are boss fights too tedious for you? That's how I felt at first, but I started liking them a lot more. Especially when you have a bit more freedom in terms of equipment and etc.
The main quest is brilliant!!

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OMG, I had the same problem with Steam version!!! A_A It kept crashing on the final level and some events would not play out for whatever reason. The only reason why I got it on Steam is because I get dizzy with 30 frames per second and it's 30 fps on Switch (handheld mode, docked has 60fps).
But yeah, wait until Pirate Warriors 4 and I'm almost 100% positive that they will make it like this:
1) they'll update the overall graphics, but will keep the content for first arc up to Dressrosa (where PW 3 left off) untouched;
2) they'll redo Dressrosa and make it bigger;
3) after Dressrosa they will start introducing all of the new gameplay stuff like they waited until New World to show Luffy's new moves, Third Gear and etc..

So, basically they'll make us play old content anyways. xD But I don't mind this since it's pretty great. And the game is very short anyways - it took me about 8 hours to finish it on Easy.

I myself will probably get the Steam version of Pirate Warriors 4... but I'm not sure. I need 60 fps no matter what or I'll feel dizzy. If PS4 will have it, then I'll probably play on PS4. If Switch will have 60 (docked or handheld), then I'll go with Switch.

Koei Tecmo and overall Japanese developers are known for horrible PC ports, so that's just something we need to get used to. At least now they make PC ports, but way back in PS2-PS3 generation they would skip PC completely. Though, other companies are much better; it's just Koei Tecmo which is almost always troublesome. I love KT, though - their games are always my favorites!

I try to avoid PC ports of KT games anyway, but Pirate Warriors 3 Gold Edition came up for like ?5 not long after I had gotten into One Piece (since I was still reading, I would only go up to where I had read in the game, hence all the extra content being done). Seemed like even if it wasn't a great port it would be worth the money since I liked the Warriors games and recently found I liked One Piece...I wouldn't have bothered if I knew I couldn't even finish it though.

I'll definitely be going console for Pirate Warriors 4 though. As much as I want to support games on PC so developers will keep trying and improving those ports, I can't justify spending money JUST to do that when there's a good likelihood the PC version will be crap.
I try to avoid PC ports of KT games anyway, but Pirate Warriors 3 Gold Edition came up for like ?5 not long after I had gotten into One Piece (since I was still reading, I would only go up to where I had read in the game, hence all the extra content being done). Seemed like even if it wasn't a great port it would be worth the money since I liked the Warriors games and recently found I liked One Piece...I wouldn't have bothered if I knew I couldn't even finish it though.

I'll definitely be going console for Pirate Warriors 4 though. As much as I want to support games on PC so developers will keep trying and improving those ports, I can't justify spending money JUST to do that when there's a good likelihood the PC version will be crap.

Yeah. Sadly, that's the case with their PC ports. Still, I'd say the game is ported not as bad as some other titles... Warriors All Stars, for example. I can't play that one at all. =/ It looks older than Pirate Warriors 3 and I can run Witcher 3 on Medium-High settings with 60 fps... but Warriors All Stars doesn't work properly. =/ And what's worse is that the console version is pretty bad, for me at least because it has variable framerate and it's around 30-45 fps, not constant 60.
It's probably due to them being processor heavy since they need to process all of the enemies and little things. I wonder how do Japanese players never complain about this, especially considering that Warriors would often release on PS Vita which obviously has worse performance than PS4 or even PS3.

But yeah, it's just something we need to get used to. Japanese don't really care how much money they'll make on PC ports, for them consoles are always the priority. Especially they don't care about PC ports selling well in the West since again they're working only for the Japanese audience. So, just saying - if you want to play some of their games and you don't want to support their ports - nothing will change from that because they'll just stop bringing these games in the first place. We need to be grateful for what we have.

I'm just glad we get these games in the first place. Back in PS2 days they would often not release these games with English subtitles at all, and if they would - there would be awful English dub (I'm not against English dubs, by the way; I just want to always be able to switch to original Japanese voices).
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I'm not going to have my Wii U or my New Nintendo 2DSXL anymore, plus a bunch of other games. All of this in preparation for buying a Nintendo Switch. The only console I'm going to be keeping is my New Nintendo 3DSXL and the only games I'm keeping are Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pok?mon Ultra Sun, and Pok?mon Conquest.

Anyway, I'm keeping Pok?mon Conquest because I just started a new file on it after having not played in 5+ years. I managed to beat the main story, all the missions, and even the final bonus mission on my first file, and now that I know how everything works in the game I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with it this time around. The story is great, the characters are well designed and thought-out, and most importantly, it has Pok?mon in it! Truly an underrated game. <3
Currently playing Kingdom Hearts Re:coded on DSi.
The game is pretty amazing!! I love how they didn't just copy-paste the first game but added a ton of different things, especially for the boss-battles and exploration. I'd go as far as to say that I prefer Re:coded to the basic Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix! : o But they're both great! <3

Finished the Alice's world yesterday and gosh - the boss battle was incredible!! Going to start the Olympus World today.
I'm very glad I decided to actually play Re:coded. It's included in 1.5+2.5 Remix on PS4 but only as a movie, so the game is playable only on DS/3DS. Initially I dismissed it thinking I'll just watch the movie but I'm glad I am playing Recoded! ^_^

Ah! And the "build your abilities" system is just great, where you need to put every level up and abilities in this little computer, and kind of build it. :3
Gameplay-wise I like it much more than KH 1 Final Mix, really. I'm surprised how well the navigation works, too - since DSi doesn't have the stick for camera control, you need to press R button whenever you need to turn the camera. Initially I thought this would be painful but it's rather intuitive! I've gotten used to the way camera works and like it - the whole game has this cubic platformer feel to it, so the R button camera works great!
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im about to spend $200 just so a Japanese game can work on a Japanese 3DS because the 3DS is rEgiOn LoCkEd kjfhfhfkfkdjd this is kind of too early to say im “playing it “ but i’ve wanted to play this game for the LONGEST time and im finally cracking as i wait for new horizons to release. its called Tongari Boushi to Mahou Machi and ive had the first game in the series which did release in the US on my old DS since i was super young. The whole series is basically like animal crossing meets harry potter. Years later i found out it had a prequel on the 3DS but only in Japan and I’ve wanted to play so bad since. I figured the only thing stopping me from playing is the language barrier and despite taking japanese my freshman year i remember nothing so im going to rely on the camera of google translate the whole time. also i might document my journey on TBT because ive only seen a couple people who dont understand japanese try to play the game and they didnt really go into detail on all the mechanics of it like the NPCs, places, etc. Its going to take forever to ship here but im really excited to play
i started getting back into ACNL, but i also play a game called 'destiny 2' on my xbox- along with the sims 4 game on there too (and many other games that i don't really play anymore, oops)

my wii is long gone lmao.
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Playing right now Splatoon 2, since it's the final Splatfest these days. I'm on team Chaos and just won
my first 100x battle yesterday as well as one 10x battle. Very proud of it!
Finishing Saints Row 2 right now on the PC. I never actually completed the game or got 100% despite me finishing all of the others Saints Row games lol

The game has so many secret unlocks/activities. It was crazy fun discovering them well over 100 hours. From what I remember you can unlock defibrillators by doing the ambulance activity or a pimp outfit for doing a certain activity. But it's been years since I played it. It's the only saints row I played.

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Super Mario Maker 2 and Pok?mon GO, mainly. Also played a bit of Tetris 99 and Let's Go, Eevee the last few days as well.

I've been playing mario maker 2 crazy the last few days. Did you know that you can change the day/night cycle to add extra level elements? Crazy. I'm a bit shocked that they don't have amiibo support like mario maker 1 though.

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Going through a 2nd run of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Do you have it on switch? I was wondering if they patched the major game breaking bugs before buying it.

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Playing right now Splatoon 2, since it's the final Splatfest these days. I'm on team Chaos and just won
my first 100x battle yesterday as well as one 10x battle. Very proud of it!

Can you obtain the power amour from the inkling squid amiibo like in splatoon 1? That outfit was the best looking ! Especially with a mini gun. Made you look like a juggernaut :)
Can you obtain the power amour from the inkling squid amiibo like in splatoon 1? That outfit was the best looking ! Especially with a mini gun. Made you look like a juggernaut :)
Not sure, since I didn't played the first Splatoon game and also don't know about the power amour,
besides I also not own any Inkling amiibo to check it out (only have Pearl and Marina). But here's a
site where I think all clothes are listed which you can obtain from the amiibos:
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Do you have it on switch? I was wondering if they patched the major game breaking bugs before buying it.
I guess they did? I haven't really noticed any bugs at all to be honest. There's one area that takes a little bit longer to load from the next room but other than that I'd say it's a-ok! Definitely worth the $40 I spent on it!:)
Not sure, since I didn't played the first Splatoon game and also don't know about the power amour,
besides I also not own any Inkling amiibo to check it out (only have Pearl and Marina). But here's a
site where I think all clothes are listed which you can obtain from the amiibos:

Aw sweet they still have it. They have also added another set that looks equally as cool! Silly though Nintendo has literally recoloured some amiibos. They're alot more amiibos than I remember. Thank you for sending me the link. :)

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I guess they did? I haven't really noticed any bugs at all to be honest. There's one area that takes a little bit longer to load from the next room but other than that I'd say it's a-ok! Definitely worth the $40 I spent on it!:)

I've been excited for it for a while. Mainly because of Bloodstained:Curse of the moon. I'd Completely recommend it if you've not played it. It's a small game but for only 7 quid its really good value for money. :)