^Oh you can BET I've played it, and beaten it! Completely agree: great game!![]()
Are boss fights too tedious for you? That's how I felt at first, but I started liking them a lot more. Especially when you have a bit more freedom in terms of equipment and etc.
The main quest is brilliant!!
I mean, it really depends on the boss tbh. I just hate it when you can't do one thing right and then it's like the 5th attack of the boss, so you lose before you have the chance to learn what you have to do and then you have to go through 4 attacks before you get back to the issue. And I'm not really precise either, so there's a lot of trial and error. :'D I just think the dungeons with all the normal enemies are a lot more fun than preparing yourself for that one tough battle that you're bound to lose several times. Maybe I just started at the first dungeon after the main mission one, I made my way to the one who uses electric attacks and I haaaaate it. ;w;
But yeah, the game is a lot of fun. I really liked the mini boss where you had to drop things on their head. I think I just prefer those gimmicks over pure combat, I'm not that experienced at it and failing at the same thing over and over again frustrates me quickly that's why I usually don't stick with them. c; But I definitely plan on finishing the main quest as well! I'll have to see how I feel about it once I faced all of the boss fights.
Aside from Banjo-Kazooie (which I mentioned earlier in this thread's history, I still haven't finished it for some reason), I also beat Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors awhile back, which has lead to me continuing the next game in the Zero Escape series, Virtue's Last Reward. It's an alright game so far, though I still prefer 999 currently. I also bought a lot of games during the Steam summer sale, including Sims 3, which I've been playing on and off, and I'm currently in the process of making the most dysfunctional family ever. Finally, I've been playing a little bit of Overwatch on and off. I have a big love/hate relationship with this game, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's the most frustrating game ever, it really just depends.
I've rented Mario Tennis Aces for a few days. Been wanting to try this game out for a while since I've always been a fan of this series. So far I'm liking it quite a bit. If I end up liking it a lot by the end of my rental period I may consider buying it!