Currently Playing?

Well, I've mostly been playing ACNL. AC games are really the only games I've played throughout my life. I've always enjoyed how simple and relaxing they are. :)

And I don't know if this counts, but earlier I did try to play chess against an A.I., and as you can probably guess, that didn't go so well for me, haha.
I'm about to finish Splatoon 2 story-line, yaaay! Then I'll just focus on multiplayer. But I do need to get the DLC...

Does anyone know if the single-player for Splatoon 1 is good? Are the missions as fun as Splatoon 2? Any point in getting the first one just for the single-player?
I've been playing a lot of two games I got in July, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove, and the Switch port of the original Doom.
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XV - absolutely no idea why so many people disliked it. I love the game!!

Also playing Samurai Warriors 4-1 and Disgaea 5 Complete. :p
About 40 hours into Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Almost to the second part of the Golden Deer route (the timeskip)! I already completed Blue Lions, and cried when I got to marry Dimitri, haha! I love this game so much :"D​
Playing at the moment The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, got the game yesterday and damn,
it's beautiful. Discovering the surroundings part for part is so much fun, in general I'm a huge fan of open
world games where you have lots to do. I'm at the beginning of the story and just try to learn every move
and how to use everything. It's the first TLoZ game I play proper since I never had such an interest in LoZ
games before. Guess this will change now, as I'm already fell in love with this game, lol.
I recently picked up Fire Emblem:Three Houses. It's my first time playing a FE game and so far I'm enjoying. I just feel.. I play a little too cautious. lol
Also picked up Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution for some quick Yu-Gi-Oh! rounds when I have short breaks at work.
Mario Kart 7 is great. I like it even more than Mario Kart 8 (I have a deluxe version on Switch).
I decided to download Grand Theft Auto 5 again and I wasn't disappointed. I bought it immediately after it was released on PS3 to play with my friends. They don't play anymore and I didn't want to play with random dudes. But I was so bored I decided to give it a try.

all mk's are better than 8/8D. makes me wanna play 7 again too aha
Smash Bros, Fire Emblem 3H, League of Legends... I'll be playing WoW Classic in a week, hopefully!
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Recently got back into grinding Rocket League. My rank has been at diamond for about a year now and really want champ.
Bought stardew valley for the switch yesterday, I have it for pc but was compelled to purchase it again to play from the comfort of my bed
Picked back up HHD again... Wanting to finish it and since I did all the facilities now should only be actual villagers left :3
Mostly phone games like dress Up diary, tiny tower (id: 4PRR7), Lego tower (id: 70C4) and Pok?mon go (id: 5810 4808 7003)
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Still playing The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. I swear, I'm getting addicted to this game, lol.

Thanks to a trick found on YouTube, I got lots of rupees and bought the house in Hateno (I didn't even
knew that you can have your own house in this game until I saw an Let's Play). After saving Vah Ruta, I
also saved Vah Medoh yesterday and discovering now the beautiful snowy environments now that I have
the right clothes which keeps me warm.
One of my friends bought me monster hunter generations ultimate on the switch and its very different from world, but so far so good I'm getting by.
Also Moofahs are so adorable.
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Currently on chapter 17 of Fire Emblem Three Houses on the Golden Deer path. Playing [Hard] [Classic] mode. It’s so much fun. :D