Currently Playing?

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

Just try to finally turning my campsite into something decent looking, at the moment it looks way better than at the beginning, still working on it however. Also try to get some more new villagers
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for the umpteenth time.
Collar x malice I LOVE IT ASJGLOSPL

I did accidentally spoil myself about who the leader of the big bads is through google image tho //facepalm
Going to play 1.4 of Stardew Valley when I am ready to pick it up! The developer added so much new stuff.
I have a lot of pre-update mods so I am a bit scared to open it, lol.
ive started playing splatoon 2 again recently cos my friend just bought it haha
Blue Dragon (X360)
Overwatch (Switch)
Animal Crossing: City Folk
• Pok?mon Shield

• Fire Emblem: Three Houses

• Let’s Go: Eevee​
NS- Pokemon Sword
NS- Diablo 3(kind of obsessed)
XB1- Borderlands 3

I think AC:NL is a given but if not, AC:NL for the 3DS! :D
Currently on my second playthrough of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Such a great game.
Oooh my wife and I actually are always jumping between many games lololol. For system games we're currently going between playing Overwatch, The Witcher 3 (replaying ) , Pokemon Shield, Final Fantasy XV (replaying), Fire Emblem Three Houses ( replaying since we did all three routes. )

For mobile games I've been playing Pocket Camp, Fire Emblem Hero's and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
At the moment, I'm playing Pocket Camp, mainly because of the new event. Also trying to get some new villagers on my campsite, if I would only get those Agent S and Big Top maps from Gulliver...
I'm alternating between Pok?mon Sword and The Sims 4 Discover University lately!~
Pokemon sword and shield but I also replay Grandia I. for the switch and I will try to get the ffx-2 platinum out of my way soon.