I feel like this collection is kind of eh. The games in the collection are really good, but it doesn’t really do much to change them. For example, in the original Super Mario All-Stars, all the games are completely revamped, but here it’s pretty much just the games. I feel like they could have at least added more missions or an easy mode for new players (not that I would use it). It could have been more like Sonic Origins. I do like this game, but I’d be even happier if they added things. Or maybe I’m just completely missing the point of what a collection should be. At least make it $40 instead of $60. It’s just that if you’re not like me and already have all of the games, there’s no extra reason to buy this game besides being able to play in handheld.
Also, maybe if it weren’t for this I wouldn’t have any complaints, but why did they only make it available for a limited time, both online and retail? I had to buy mine off eBay because of that thanks a lot Nintendo.